Trade in reverse electronics logistics

technical advisor to the Sustainability Council
Decree 10.240 / 2020 provides, in stages, the installation of post-consumer electronics delivery points in all municipalities with more than 80 thousand inhabitants. About 400 Brazilian cities must have at least one point for every 25 thousand inhabitants.
Thus, the articulation between the reverse logistics management entities and the stores, which will house these thousands of points in their stores, is crucial. Thus, FecomercioSP plays an essential role, since it represents the National Trade Confederation (CNC) in the Performance Monitoring Group, in addition to integrating, in the State of São Paulo, the commitment term with Green Eletron and the plan from Abree.
FecomercioSP guides retailers, responsible for informing consumers about the disposal of post-consumer electronics at designated places in the system. About the need to temporarily receive, pack and store these discarded items until they are removed by the management entity, which makes the destination, preferably recycling, and the environmentally appropriate of waste disposal. It also guides wholesalers, who must provide or fund spaces for consolidation points and encourage retailers in their value chain to join the reverse logistics system.
Thus, the articulation between the reverse logistics management entities and the stores, which will house these thousands of points in their stores, is crucial.
Together, trade, distribution, industry, and imports overcome challenges and have been instituting reverse electronics logistics in the country.
Eletrolar News Magazine 142