SUFRAMA: In a complex year, ZFM has faced challenges and created opportunities

The year of 2020 was extremely challenging for several society sectors. Suframa, first and foremost, mourns the population struggles with Covid-19 and expresses its solidarity towards the families and friends of those affected by the pandemic.
Amidst this difficult setting, the year ends with increasing indicators of revenue, productivity, and manpower at the Manaus Industrial Center (PIM). The highlight goes to the Electronics and IT Goods, the largest representative, as well as to the more than BRL 6 billion in new investments approved in 2020 by Suframa’s Administrative Council, which should create around 8 thousand jobs in up to three years.
2020 will be remembered in history for the many challenges faced and overcome.
Favorable events don’t end there. Improvements have also taken place in several institutional partnerships and key labor forces, especially actions aiming at diversifying the region’s economic matrix and the improvement of the business environment.
This year will be remembered in history for the many challenges faced and overcome. But the resiliency capacity shown by society’s living forces shall provide even more stamina and purpose to the work performed by Suframa and the federal government as a whole, to make ZFM, still in 2021, even more competent and effective in its main mission: reducing inequality and contributing to the socio-economic and sustainable development of the Amazon.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 140