Manaus Free Trade Zone Superintendence – SUFRAMA

In the first 5 months of 2021, the Polo Industrial de Manaus (PIM) billed R$ 60.92 billion, the equivalent of a 63.295 growth when compared to the same period in 2020 (R$37.3 billion). In this period, 25 of the 26 PIM industry sub-sectors monitored by Suframa, had an increase in performance. Although the biggest highlights were the electronics segment and information technology goods segments.
Between January and May, these two segments had a combined revenue of R$30.2 million and represent approximately 50% of the Global PIM revenue and 30.5% of all production investments completed (US$ 2.06 billions), 49% of inputs acquired (R$18.5 billions) and around 40% of the workforce employed (44 thousand workers, including full-time, temps and vendors). Liquid crystal TVs, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and home theaters were among the most significant lines from the 2 segments that kept warm and with a great contribution index to the optimal performance of PIM for that period.
Suframa’s analysis point to optimum conditions for the semester, due to the stable moment in the Zona Franca’s industry, with successive revenue records and the best employability in the last years. Taking in consideration, mainly, the alleviation of the covid-19 pandemic restrictions and the efficacy of the federal government to recover the country’s economy.
Source: Eletrolar News #144