Presidents Special- SERVICES
by Leda Cavalcanti and Dilnara Titara
Once again, companies in Brazil are calling for the much talked about and debated tax reform, political stability, tax reductions and legal certainty as the most effective way to attract investment. It’s almost a mantra that is repeated every year. We trust that the image of the proverb “soft water on a hard stone so beats until it pierces” is valid, an allusion to the fact that tenacity is capable of overcoming all difficulties; we hope so.
The company’s appeals are the same as in recent years and remain unanswered. It must be recognized that recent times have not been easy due to covid-19, whose effects have reached countries around the world, with serious consequences. One of the most serious problems for the electronics segment was the lack of inputs, which caused very large losses in production. In addition to the increase in international shipping costs. Another was the devaluation of the real against the dollar.
Inflation and interest rose, and Brazilian purchasing power fell, affecting consumption. The inflationary mentality seems to return with force when the country believed that it was finished. In 2022, Brazil’s growth forecast is 0.8% to 1.9%, while in emerging countries it reaches 5.1%, according to experts and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Companies do not ask for miracles, but to look at the country more seriously.
It is necessary to improve economic indicators, as well as education and training of manpower. It is also necessary to put a stop to the high unemployment rate and the fall in income. Companies are ready to collaborate, but the basic problems mentioned above require a solution. Brazil cannot walk with endless debates. It’s time for conclusions, less polarization in politics and more common sense in decision-making.

It has positive expectations, but at the same time, it is cautious due to high inflation and the difficulties faced by service providers because of the pandemic, says CEO Newton Queiroz. “The moment, however, is favorable for publicizing and increasing the purchase of products/services related to protection, our line of business. Important to highlight is our investment to improve the customer experience across all channels.”
Its first focus in 2022 is to clarify that it works with emergency, preventive or scheduled protection, the CEO tells. “We are positioning ourselves with events and preparing regional road-shows with partners and retail groups interested in learning about our solutions. We are also developing technology solutions, such as the portal to partners, to deliver the complete journey of offer, sale, billing and service delivery.”
“The moment is favorable for publicizing and increasing the purchase of products/services linked to protection, our line of business.”
The service market changed with the pandemic and required investments in digitalization, Newton says. “The need to diversify the product range and distribution channels is latent. The rules of the past, such as selling a single flagship product and focusing on one major industry, no longer work. Those who do not seek versatility will have significant consequences. Retail plays a fundamental role in the inclusion of a large part of Brazilians who do not have access to protection for their vehicles and homes, to health and well-being. It is, without a doubt, the most democratic channel in Brazil.”

This will be a challenging year for electronics, as consumer-driven growth in 2020 and 2021 will have to be stimulated by industries and retailers, says Felipe Mendes, LatAm general manager at GfK. “To this end, there will be a need for more information, which will allow a surgical application of scarce resources, favoring categories, brands or even price ranges that bring greater returns. We will continue to support decision-makers with the generation of knowledge as quickly as possible and I believe that if we do that, we will have a slightly higher revenue than 2021.”
The search for information is on the rise. “Predictive information, based on artificial intelligence applied to high quality databases, has the potential to grow strongly in the next three years. GfK is the official source of sell-out in more than 80 countries and, since 2021, it has been working with predictive analytics, identifying price elasticities, products that respond better to promotions and the real strength of brands to charge a higher price. With this platform, called gfknewron, we want to support the development of the market in 2022”, says Felipe.
“Predictive information, based on artificial intelligence applied to high quality databases, has the potential to grow strongly in the next three years.”
For the sector, controlling inflation and interest is fundamental, as well as the growth of income and consumer confidence rating, says Felipe. “Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet, only hard work to implement in an election year. I believe more in microeconomic (businesses) than macroeconomic (government) actions in 2022.”

Expects growth in 2022, says Robson Munhoz, chief customer success officer. “This will be the result of investment in technology for platform improvements and new solutions, restructuring of commercial strategy and acquisition of new customers, including in other segments. Also noteworthy is the inorganic growth strategy with M&A of companies in accelerated growth.”
The B2B ecosystem, integrating retail and industry, in which the company operates, faces a challenging scenario, mainly motivated by inflation and product shortages, comments Robson. “We observe the market and shape our offer models to serve and help customers. In challenging times, technology presents itself as a solution to support decision making.”
“In challenging times, technology presents itself as a solution to support decision making.”
This year, the company is focused on executing its organic growth plan by exploring its customer base, acquiring new customers and expanding into new segments, as well as developing new solutions to generate revenue. “It is also aimed at expanding international activity and acquiring companies for inorganic growth”, says Robson.

The Brazilian market has gradually returned to pre-pandemic numbers, but there is still a long way to go, says Sérgio França, strategy and commercial director at Prosegur Cash. “For 2022, we expect a more structured recovery in the sector, with stabilization of consumer behavior. Industry and retail should be more adjusted with the recovery of production levels and probable distribution of inputs that were missing in 2021. Our expectation for this year is quite optimistic.”
The company will continue to expand its portfolio to adapt to changes related to the use of cash. “We have solutions aimed at companies of all sizes and sectors, including industrial. By 2023, the group will invest 94 million euros in its global digital transformation program to accelerate the diversification of products and businesses in the 26 countries where it operates”, says Sérgio.
“The main challenge in the country is to ensure that the operation has the least risk, whether in the value of logistics or high value cargo.”
In the coming years, it will adapt to market demands, says the director. “We will continue to invest in the logistics of special loads, with emphasis on electronics. The main challenge in the country is to ensure that the operation has the least risk, whether in the value of logistics or high value cargo. To mitigate the risks, we put the technology and intelligence we have in the armored cars inside the special cargo transport trucks.”

The only bank from Minas Gerais specializing in retail electronics is expanding, says President Roberto Azevedo. “This year, the expectation is to grow 50% in service points in the country, from 2,000 to 3,000, mainly in the Southeast and Midwest regions.”
Demand motivates the conquest of new markets. “Between the last four months of 2020 and the first of 2021, the volume of financing grew by 34%. The number of networks served tripled, from 14 to 47. We are in 580 cities and 21 states”, says Roberto.
“This year, the expectation is to grow 50% in service points in the country.”
For the president, there is room for expansion. “Retailers are more prepared and adapted to new forms of service. “We finance the retail operation of furniture and appliances with a focus on the D and E classes, which need financial breath.”

It has optimistic expectations, because, even in the pandemic, several segments of the market were heated, says president Sidney Fernandes Gutierrez. “There was a boost in representation, agency and business intermediation. We believe in an increase in the number of Core-SP registrants by 2022.”
The autarchy, which provides public services of registration, inspection, and orientation of the commercial representation activity in the state, will hold five events this semester, called Sectional Connections. “We will bring content, debate, and clarifications to the category,” says Sidney.
“We believe in an increase in the number of Core-SP registrants by 2022.”
For the president, the professionals of commercial representation need more attention from government agencies, especially in the tax field. “They need simplified governance, such as better framing in the Simples Nacional and lower ISS rates.”

Despite being an election year and the World Cup, events that impact business, the expectation is for growth of more than 20%, highlights CEO Marcelo Souza. “In 2022, we will open the remanufacturing center and expand the recycling units to the Northeast.”
Two of the company’s units have greater potential in 2022, says the CEO. “The electronics recycler, due to the requirement to comply with the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), and the remanufacturing of post-industry and post-retail products.”
“We will open the remanufacturing center and expand the recycling units to the Northeast.”
The recycling sector is relatively new when it comes to the industrial process, says Marcelo. “Naturally, it lacks an incentive policy, which would be a factor of great leverage.”

It has established itself as the largest independent digital ecosystem for e-commerce in Latin America, enabling operations for large companies, says Kai Schoppen. “In the last quarter of 2021, we had an increase of 70% compared to the same period in 2020 and revenue of R$ 105 million. In 2022, the goal is to have R$ 950 million in net revenue.”
In January, it launched a modular ecosystem, which offers scale, efficiency and innovation. “These are omnichannel solutions, means of payment, digital marketing, data intelligence and logistics, with 13 CDs and 18 dark stores”, says the CEO.
“In 2022, the goal is to have R$ 950 million in net revenue.”
To curb the instability derived from inflation, the industry has strategies such as digitalization and direct to consumer (D2C). “This model can contribute to the disintermediation of a large part of the chain processes with increased efficiency”, says Kai.

In 2021, there was a good recovery with retail sales, says CEO José Adelmo Soares Mello. “In 2022, we expect to grow 20% compared to 2021 with new customers and projects to provide out-of-warranty and in-warranty product repair services, retail and e-commerce returns.”
To manage after-sales, it opened new omnichannel platforms. “We want to achieve 100% digital service and simplify the customer journey as much as possible and improve management efficiency to add value and reduce costs”, says José Adelmo.
“In 2022, we expect to grow 20% compared to 2021.”
A drastic decrease in public spending would bring confidence, capital flow and better expectations, says the CEO. “Lower interest rates activate the economy. It takes acumen to innovate while the growth prospect is dim.”

Because it is an election year and the pandemic, the company sees the scenario of 2022 with caution, but remains optimistic, says President Geancarlo Callebe. “Within our planning, we project growth of 23% compared to 2021.”
The regulatory sector (certification of Inmetro and Anatel products) is shaping itself so that importers are not harmed at this time. “Our team is constantly adapting to meet the needs of customers and partners,” says Geancarlo.
“We project growth of 23% compared to 2021.”
This year, the focus is on technology and process automation, says the president. “We are establishing new partnerships and opening up business fronts. The Eletrolar Show will be a great opportunity to materialize our planning.”
Source: Revista Eletrolar News – Edição Especial Presidentes #147