Presidents Special – INDUSTRY
by Leda Cavalcanti and Dilnara Titara
Once again, companies in Brazil are calling for the much talked about and debated tax reform, political stability, tax reductions and legal certainty as the most effective way to attract investment. It’s almost a mantra that is repeated every year. We trust that the image of the proverb “soft water on a hard stone so beats until it pierces” is valid, an allusion to the fact that tenacity is capable of overcoming all difficulties; we hope so.
The company’s appeals are the same as in recent years and remain unanswered. It must be recognized that recent times have not been easy due to covid-19, whose effects have reached countries around the world, with serious consequences. One of the most serious problems for the electronics segment was the lack of inputs, which caused very large losses in production. In addition to the increase in international shipping costs. Another was the devaluation of the real against the dollar.
Inflation and interest rose, and Brazilian purchasing power fell, affecting consumption. The inflationary mentality seems to return with force when the country believed that it was finished. In 2022, Brazil’s growth forecast is 0.8% to 1.9%, while in emerging countries it reaches 5.1%, according to experts and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Companies do not ask for miracles, but to look at the country more seriously.
It is necessary to improve economic indicators, as well as education and training of manpower. It is also necessary to put a stop to the high unemployment rate and the fall in income. Companies are ready to collaborate, but the basic problems mentioned above require a solution. Brazil cannot walk with endless debates. It’s time for conclusions, less polarization in politics and more common sense in decision-making.

The company has grown in recent years, largely as a result of increased demand caused by the pandemic, says director-general Alexandre Gerardo. “We hope that this growth trend will also continue in 2022. This year, we will have launches in all categories, including lifestyle.”
In 2022, for example, the gamer audience will continue to be one of Acer’s priorities, with the launch of accessories and new machines for all types of users and needs. “Consumers can also expect many novelties from the brand in the lines of notebooks, monitors, accessories and much more”, says Alexandre.
The director general believes that more incentives are needed, both fiscal and for the development of technologies, which despite the challenges, have continued to grow. “Brazil has a lot of potential in this regard, as it is a technological hub, and this idea should be reinforced,” says Alexandre. He recalls that the rise in the dollar affects imports, local productions and the consumer’s pocket. “Nevertheless, our priority is always to try to guarantee the best commercial opportunities and differentiated quality. We also hope that, in the near future, the lack of inputs that has affected the entire chain since last year will be reversed”, he adds.

There is no doubt that 2022 will be extremely challenging, mainly due to political and economic instability and the presidential election, says director Guilherme Santos. “However, we are very confident with our planning, structured to overcome adversities. Our expectation is for higher revenues than 2021, keeping up the growth of the last eight years.”
This year, the company believes in the evolution of its flagship, the audio line. “It has been growing a lot, both in SKUs and in market share. We continue to invest in research, development and innovation to offer the best products, with superior quality, connecting our consumers to the purpose of the brand”, says the director.
To boost the electronics sector, Guilherme cites the tax reform, the exemption or reduction of IPI and incentives to develop new manufacturing units as important. “The investments that the federal government has allocated in railways and road networks reduce freight costs, but they are still high in the country due to inflation and fuel prices, with consequences for the logistics chain and the value of the final product. Other major problems are the value of international freight, which is not expected to drop in the next six months, and the instability of the dollar, due to the use of imported raw materials.”

commercial director
The company’s projections indicate continued growth in the Brazilian market, says Manuel Castro, commercial director. “This is a reflection of the sales and marketing efforts carried out in 2021, in addition to the expansion of the brand’s share in retail with strong partnerships throughout Brazil, aiming at increasing the capillarity and reach of the products. With the impetus of launches and the distribution and marketing work with channels and marketplaces, a continuous increase in sales is expected compared to last year.”
The main highlights of the year are the launches in the notebook category. “For some lines, we will have a strong partnership for national manufacturing, in order to meet the demand of the Brazilian consumer. As we had great news at CES last January, we are working hard to bring products with technologies and specifications that match the Brazilian market and that will make a unique difference in the sector”, says the director.
Some products marketed by ASUS in Brazil are produced or have inputs brought in from abroad, which directly impacts the cost of negotiation, explains Manuel. “In addition, the market is experiencing a general shortage of inputs such as chips and semiconductors, caused by high demand and boosted by the pandemic. However, we work to ensure the continuous availability of products at competitive prices for the Brazilian market.”

The national scenario, after two years of good growth in the home appliances sector, shows greater complexity in 2022 due to income priorities, the high level of unemployment and inflation, which raises interest rates and, consequently, increases the costs of products, says CEO Márcio Veiga. “We will grow, yes, but we will have more challenges than in previous periods. However, Atlas Eletrodomésticos bets on the differentials of its products. We will launch a complete cooking line, with a lot of innovation.”
This year, the big launch is the Diplomata Line. “The company expands its product portfolio and starts to offer cooking solutions for the kitchen with floor ovens, built-in ovens, hoods, microwaves, induction cooktops and gas cooktops”, says Márcio.
For the CEO, Brazil needs more political and legal stability to give investors security in the long term. “There is talk of a probable reduction of the IPI, it would be welcome, but the industry needs structuring actions to not lose competitiveness on a global level. The high dollar, in turn, benefits exports, but impacts everything manufactured in Brazil. The cost of sea freight for importing raw materials and products more than doubled in 2021. These costs, in general, affect the resumption of the pace of sales because the products become more expensive, and the consumer, without the power to purchase, has difficulty acquiring new appliances.”

For the company that supplies the market with products for satellite signal transmission and reception, 2022 will be a year for the resumption of negotiations and sales, says Lucas Bedin, director. “With a heated market, BedinSat expects to increase its revenue considerably this year.”
Two of the company’s novelties for this year are the support models for televisions: the BA-32 Articulated Support and the BA-32 Biarticulated Support. “We also have, as highlights, the SmartBox BS-9700S and the SATHD BS-9900S”, comments the director.
For Lucas, more credit lenience and lower taxes on electrical and electronic products are important points and deserve to be evaluated, because they would stimulate the sector. The value of the dollar and the lack of inputs directly affect the company’s business. “Because they are imported products, when the dollar goes up, it becomes necessary to pass this value on to them. And the lack of inputs for local production is also a problem. The scarcer the raw material, the more expensive it becomes. These factors, consequently, make the price of the final product higher.”

For 2022, following market forecasts, the brand expects low growth compared to the previous year. “Right now, it is imperative that all movements and all decisions taken are made carefully. Even in delicate market phases, we seek to make quick decisions, maintaining quality and anticipating the next scenarios”, says Cristiane Clausen, general director of Britânia.
Throughout 2022, Britânia will launch in all its categories and lines. The main highlights will be in the families of cooktops, mixers, blenders, televisions, audio, tablets, irons, coffee makers and vacuum cleaners. “We will have robust campaigns, with videos, merchants, MPDV materials and much more, all to strengthen retail sales”, says Cristiane.
To stimulate the Brazilian economy and, consequently, improve the environment for the electronics sector, it would be essential to reduce public spending, promoting fiscal balance, and, above all, reducing inflation, highlights the company’s general director. All operations involving raw materials and costs in general of the company are pegged to the dollar or to international commodities that vary in the same currency. In this way, the company was affected both by the variation in prices and by the fluctuation of the exchange rate.

The company had great growth in 2021, driven by the high demand since 2020, linked to the greater demand for bicycles after the beginning of the pandemic in Brazil, says President Cyro Gazola. “This year is more challenging. On the one hand, we have the entry-price bicycles segment, whose supply and demand are more balanced, and on the other, high demand and low availability of medium and high value-added products, which are still affected by the scarcity of parts and related components linked to the global supply chain.”
Via Abraciclo, an industry association, the company published that this year has the potential for double-digit growth in the industry, but economic factors, such as inflation, interest rates and income recovery, will directly influence consumer demand. “It is crucial for the country to focus on controlling these points, expanding the employment base and industrial activity as a whole.”
In 2022, Caloi will accelerate innovation, mainly in the mountain bike (MTB), electric bikes and urban and leisure bikes segments. This semester, it will relaunch a brand icon. “The biggest challenge in the bicycle industry is the availability of parts and components. The global supply chain operates with high demand and we will still see delays mainly for items such as transmissions, brakes and suspensions, which are critical to the assembly of the bikes”, says the president.

Although the current scenario is still one of overcoming, Colletek faithfully believes in the opportunities that 2022 will bring, says president André Chou. “This is because our segment continues to evolve constantly. In terms of turnover, the outlook for 2022 is that, with the recovery, the numbers will increase compared to last year and the market will remain heated.”
The company programs many new features. “In 2022, we invest in the growing gamer scene and in a complete water line in partnership with Philips Water Products, which will arrive in full force later this year. Designed for everyday life, the line offers consumers a total solution capable of covering all their needs, at home and on the go or in various other categories. In Brazil, we are responsible for several items in the line, from bottles with special filters capable of removing up to 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria present in the water, to dispensers and purifiers,” says André.
Having a critical eye is fundamental when the subject is the economy of our country, says the president. “We believe that the measures are being worked on frequently (for example, the IPI reduction in 2022) and that the electro-electronic sector has the potential to grow even more. For Coletek, the value of the dollar is a predominant factor for some decision making, since, besides the direct impact on costs (inputs, exchange, imports, etc.), it directly affects market competitiveness and burdens the final price to the consumer.”

In 2022, the company completes 20 years of activities, highlights the president Antonio Henrique Felipe Lopez. “Even with all the adversities already experienced, we always obtained excellent results. In 2021, we had a 25% growth compared to 2020, and this year will be no different.”
With a complete line of TV supports, the company will have launches in this segment, mainly focused on residential/corporate ergonomics, says Antonio. “But the biggest bet is still on the gaming sector. ELG’s big launch this year is the connected home product line. We will enter this market strong and with unprecedented characteristics.”
It is difficult to strategize with so many variables, such as dollar, shipping and pandemic. “But we still believe that product differentiation, with regard to quality and stock, can put us ahead”, says the president. According to him, exchange rate variations greatly hinder any type of industry. “In addition to the devaluation of the currency, we have suffered strong and constant adjustments in sea freight, which harms us in any negotiation, as retail is not prepared to absorb such transfers.”

In 2021, the company had a significant growth of 45% in revenue compared to 2020. Much of this result is due to the strategies adopted and the attention to market changes, says CEO Rafael Feder. “In 2022, we project growth of 35%. Elgin has prepared a lot for this year. Faced with the lack of inputs, it made large negotiations and produced inventories to avoid price pressure. It will have no problems and guarantees the projected growth.”
There is a lot of news in 2022, says the CEO. “In the Smart Home line, we are going to launch around 20 products, making it the most complete in the country. In small appliances, the robot vacuum cleaner. In air conditioning, we extend the warranty, which is the longest on the market: three years for the product and 10 for the compressor, as long as the installation has been carried out with accredited assistance from Elgin. In solar energy, expansion of the portfolio with modules that meet higher powers, developing our line of three-phase inverters and betting on the growth of hybrid inverter technology.”
Stimulating sales is possible, it is necessary to look at the past, remembers Rafael. “A few years ago, there was a campaign by energy distributors (which have a mandatory budget to invest), which gave a bonus for the purchase of a Class A product – Procel. If the government took this measure, for example, we would have three advantages: increased sales, sustainability and reduced consumer electricity bills.”

For 2022, the company is structured around four major businesses: manufacturing, TV, internet and solar energy, says CEO Damian Zisman. “These are products and solutions that have synergy with each other and are more relevant to us. We have room to grow and consolidate our position in the market. It will be an important year with the entry of 5G. Band swaps will promote technology change. In solar energy, with the new distributed generation framework, which gives more security to those who buy, we should grow in double digits, despite the pandemic and the election with political turmoil.”
Elsys grows with its performance in the solar energy market. “We invested in logistics and distribution throughout Brazil. We will have launches in the area. In the TV arena there will be significant growth, as the products will have to be adapted to the new context. Let’s participate in this change and be an important player in the process. In the connected home (Smart Home) business, we will launch more access controls and smart locks. It is a market in which we invest and grow a lot”, says the CEO.
The complexity of the tax system is one of the causes of low competitiveness, says Damian. “A tax reform, focused on simplification, would be fundamental for all companies. The high dollar impacts business. But, more than the value of the American currency, what makes managing the company difficult is the volatility that Brazil has been experiencing in recent times. Any decision is very complicated by the lack of economic stability.”

In 2022 we expect a challenging scenario for the home appliance market, says managing director Marcelo Pinto. “Our performance will be directed to meet the demand for products with higher turnover in retail. We are responsible for producing affordable models in the main white goods categories and we are ready to offer home appliances at competitive prices.”
The company will make exclusive releases this year. “One of them is the Gelágua with refrigerated space (EGCQF ER), the only drinking fountain in Brazil with hot and cold-water functions and an internal refrigerated compartment to store drinks, fruits and small foods. In the built-in line, a 71-liter gourmet electric oven. And the Diamante Glass stove has a double oven for the preparation of two recipes simultaneously”, says the director.
Measures need to be taken to increase workers’ income, create jobs, reduce interest rates, control inflation and adjust the dollar exchange rate, says Marcelo. “They are essential to boost the home appliance sector in the country.” On inputs and freight, he adds: “With the pandemic, people stayed at home longer and changed their devices. Afraid of shortages, manufacturers placed purchase orders almost simultaneously. This generated a cascading effect, with the rupture of the chain and a significant increase in the costs of inputs and freight.”

The company ended 2021 with a positive balance, says president Ingo Fischer. “We believe that this year will be challenging, however, through the investments made and the opening of new channels, we expect to close 2022 with growth compared to 2021. We will have major launches in the main categories in which we operate.”
The tax burden, along with abusive interest rates, is a factor that discourages investment in all markets. “We believe that Brazil would benefit from fiscal and policy reforms, as well as from improving its road network and logistics infrastructure. All of this would have a positive impact on the economy and the home appliance sector,” says Ingo.
In the case of the dollar, the President of Fischer points out that the rise in the currency stimulates the export industry on the one hand, but, on the other hand, negatively affects imports. “Both the economic challenge and the lack of inputs made us accelerate our international expansion and the optimization of manufacturing processes to increase productivity.”

Commercial Director
The company works with the present imagining the future, regardless of the macroeconomic or political situation, says commercial director Rafael Assa. “We continue with our ideal of bringing innovative solutions with quality and price in line with the Brazilian reality. In our 14 years of existence, this has always been our focus and will continue to be in 2022. We expect higher revenues than in 2021, keeping our growth above double digits, following the historical average.”
The accessories market for mobile devices is very heterogeneous, with
few brands that do a serious job of product development, with quality and
certifications. The performance in casualness hinders the growth of the sector.
“There is also no adequate regulation for goods imported directly to the final
consumer. We have formal companies, which need to comply with several rules,
such as Anatel certification, but they are not applied in this model. The tax
part deserves more attention from the government”, says the director.
This year, Geonav will present many innovations in categories with which it
already works, says Rafael. “In addition to expanding our line into new
segments, we are going to reinforce our marketing efforts, both online and in
physical stores, bringing more content and new experiences to customers,” says

Commercial Director
Despite the current scenario and possible economic difficulties that may arise, given the still present pandemic and the large increase in import prices, Gree Brasil has high expectations for 2022, says commercial director Alex Chen. “The company has been maintaining constant growth, increasingly occupying a place in the homes of Brazilians, grabbing a large slice of the segment’s market share. We project revenue higher than that of 2021, mainly in equipment with Inverter technology.”
In January of this year, it brought the G-Diamond air conditioner to the residential market, says the commercial director. “It is the first Gree in Brazil with a totally different and pioneering design in its category, with BlackFin technology for coating the fins, until then used only in the large commercial line. such as the G-Top, and until the end of the year products that were only sold through imports, some of the light commercial line”.
Technology is an ally to strengthen the development of the sector, says Alexandre. “Gree has an automated production sector, which optimizes various actions and increases its production autonomy. Renewable energy technologies can also be great allies, as the significant increase in the electricity bill and the water crises in 2021 directly affected the productive industry and consumption of home appliances in the country. Incentives to invest in these new technologies will be of great help this year and in the others to come.”

The company believes that 2022 will be a year of recovery, says CEO Rafael Camargo. “After all, in 2021 we had many problems with a lack of raw materials and consequently, products, which affected the entire retail and industry chain. In addition, we had problems in maritime transport, with few ships and abusive freight.”
This year, it plans to launch several products this semester, mainly in the housewares category. “Our company always seeks to innovate and present products with quality and fair price to the market”, says the CEO.
For Rafael, the big problem in Brazil is the tax burden, which, in addition to being high, is confusing. “We should be like first world countries, have a single tax, but this seems like a dream in the reality we live in. Tax reform is essential for companies to invest more. The country needs to be more competitive. The dollar also affects the business, since our production is carried out in other countries, and the lack of inputs, which affected the whole world, generated many losses, but the scenario seems to normalize.”

senior vice president for South America and president in Brazi
The expectation for 2022, in south America is to expand the portfolio, consolidating some categories and following on the global leadership in the audio sector, says Rodrigo Kniest, senior VP for South America and president of Harman do Brazil. “After we registered growth last year compared to 2020, we kept the projection even more optimistic for the next 3 quarters, specially if we consider the launches scheduled for 2022.”
This year, the company will have solutions for audio and new and exclusive portable sound speakers, headphones True Wireless, gamers headsets, soundbars and automotive audio systems. “The public can check some of these released in January, at Harman Explore, when we will reveal the main releases from JBL, Harman Kardon and Mark Levinson, and we took more than 10 awards at CES Innovation Awards by excellence in engineering and design”, says Rodrigo.
After two Years of pandemic, the company understands that the market is at a more mature level to face the challenges related to logistics and input import for manufacturing, says the president. “There is a direct impact in our production with the dollarization of main raw materials, and today we have alternatives to minimize the impact to consumers, especially by updating our work flows and increasing productivity in our units, as well as manufacturing items that used to be imported.”

sales and marketing director
Brazil is one of the most important countries where a company can focus all efforts, says Juniro Favaro, sales and marketing director. “We are betting on the Brazilian public, who always had a good rapport with the brand. We hope to continue growing and releasing new products and services. Innovation is fundamental in terms of a positive outcome for 2022, even anticipating that it will be a challenging year for the market.”
The company kicked off the year with important launches, adds Junior. “We made available our first 5G mobile device, Nokia G50, and entered the tablets market, with Nokia T20. In the corporate side, we have the HMD Enable Pro, which has the business mobility management solution and already have diverse partners in the country and around the world. Other launches are scheduled for the next months. We intend to continue expanding in Brazil.”
The exchange rate impacts all sectors and industries. “Ours, in particular, is in the process of adapting. We are committed to bringing the best technology experiences, that’s why we invest in the local production for our devices, which allows us to have products with all Nokia quality standards and design at the most affordable price. Even with the impacts of the economy, we see that the democratization of technology is already much greater”, says the director.

2021 was an atypical year, but one of growth for the company, says CEO Marcelo Castro. “We managed to consolidate ourselves in some product lines that were new and we expanded our channel of operation. This brought 30% growth in revenue. In 2022, we will continue with the expansion plan, taking advantage of the fact that the market begins to return to pre-pandemic patterns and with less uncertainty.”
This year, it launches models of TWS headphones, powered speakers and chargers with MagSafe technology. “In the Home Series line, for the connected home, we will focus on electrical, decoration and customization of environments. One of our launches is Collab, with Globoplay, a kit of automation products to guarantee a home cinema experience”, says Marcelo.
To reduce the tax burden is a way to save money, as, in some cases a company pays up to 80% in tax on imports. The value of the dollar and the lack of inputs also have an impact, says the CEO. “There are two major obstacles that the pandemic has brought, in addition to the shortage of containers and high international freight costs. The lack of components led us to make a much longer production planning, which ends up affecting working capital. And the rise in the dollar impacted the price of products, reducing sales of some. We had to adjust the mix and forecast to align the company with the new reality of costs and deadlines.”

Marketing director
For the company, 2022 should be another year of growth, both in sales and in investments in its IDM 2.0 strategy, says marketing director Carlos Augusto Buarque. “Intel recently announced a major investment in a new plant in Ohio, United States, and will continue to invest in production capacity and development of new technologies to meet the growing demand for semiconductors.”
One of the main highlights this year is the 12th generation of Intel® Core™ processors. “It brings numerous technological innovations such as the combination of performance cores and efficiency cores, which revolutionize the experience of computer users, delivering much more performance for demanding audiences, such as gamers, or more mobility with longer battery life, and notebooks thinner and lighter with the Intel® Evo™ platform and the incorporation of numerous new technologies with PCIe 5.0, WiFi 6E and DDR5 memories”, says Carlos Augusto.
For the director, it is necessary to invest heavily in access to computers and broadband for inclusion and productivity, especially in this increasingly remote world. “Above all, investment in education must be a priority. With education, we managed to fill the gap in some sectors of the labor market, generate more jobs and, consequently, greater profit for the economy. The democratization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing demand for professionals, but there is still a huge shortage of talent in the field.”

One of the largest kitchen manufacturers in Latia America, with industrial plants in Ubá (MG) and Sooretama (ES), Itatiaia considers that 2022 will be a year of stagnation, but with good perspective for the company, says president Victor Penna Costa. “We believe we can maintain and/or even grow our market share. This year, we will have launches in stoves and laptops at the Eletrolar Show.”
Founded in 1964, the company follows the changes in consumer behavior. Its modular furniture can be adapted to different environments. Consolidated nationally and internationally, it exports its products to South America, Central America, and Africa. In the company’s opinion, the federal government should zero the import tariffs for steel products. “There would be an immediate reduction of about 5% in prices”, says the president.
The value of the dollar is also another worrying point, explains Victor Penna Costa. “It affects us directly in terms of manufacturing costs, since the deindustrialization that the Brazilian economy has been facing, since the last decade, has caused the percentage of imported inputs to grow.”

Lenovo is optimistic about the growth of the technology sector this year, says president Ricardo Bloj. “The world is going through a recovery process, and we see that some changes will be permanent, such as accelerated global digitization to make hybrid study and work possible, new forms of entertainment and connection between people. Lenovo, as a group, is focused on keeping sustainable growth and increase profitability through innovative product delivery and investment in research and development.”
At CES 2022, it presented new products, which should arrive in Brazil in the middle of this year, for the gamer audience, for smart homes and to enable hybrid work and productivity. “In addition, we recently announced our return to the tablet market with the Tab P11 Plus”, says Ricardo.
“To stimulate the business environment, it is important to look at the simplification of taxes, especially ICMS, in order to reduce the complexity of taxation and thus develop the sector. Another important measure is security in the logistics chain. The sector has always suffered from cargo theft, and the costs of curbing this practice have increased significantly, making products more expensive for the consumer.” Ricardo also recalls that about 95% of PC components are pegged to the dollar. Therefore, large exchange rate variations directly affect the final value of the product.

Commercial director
After the last two years, which were a period of learning and repositioning, the company has good expectations for 2022, says commercial director Eduardo Klinke. “We expect our market to heat up, which is looking for solutions and innovations, with consumers willing to use products that make their daily lives easier and to purchase items that allow moments of leisure and distraction in their homes.”
In 2022, the group innovates in all categories and lines. “We will redesign major launches and bring news in audio and portables with bold design and technology”, says Eduardo. Because Lenoxx® is a fair and accessible brand, he envisions times when there is a promising environment for dialogue between government and industry so that, together, they seek solutions to the demands.
“Our sector generates thousands of jobs, and improvement in operations should be a constant agenda. Our support is for them to look at us as soon as possible”, emphasizes the director. The high of the dollar impacts the electronics market in the acquisition of components and in transport via maritime containers increasingly aggressive in values, he adds. “We are a 100% national group and we privilege our market, not suffering the impacts related to exports. Our commitment is to quality and fair prices.”

Sales VP
The company is optimistic for the resumption of business, says Roberto Barboza, sales VP. “We continue with our strategy of offering an increasingly complete portfolio that meets the needs of the most diverse audiences. We always want to deliver the best technology combined with the best experience for our consumers and, therefore, we invest in innovation for a better life.”
In 2022, it brings many news. “We will launch a lineup of TVs focused on expanding the OLED and QNED categories and redesigned products in the XBOOM audio category. In the gamer market, LG will launch the Portable Gaming Speaker with Bluetooth and the Ultragear monitors. Recently launched, the LG Dual Inverter Voice UV Nano Air Conditioner, with exclusive ultraviolet technology, complements the Inverter air conditioner line. In the white line, we will have news in refrigerators and washing machines”, says Roberto.
In terms of the economy, the company expects investments and a robust development plan for the sector, focusing on favorable trade negotiations, obtaining goods and raw materials for the production of local industry and support in the exchange rate issue. The dollar is a delicate subject, it raises concerns, says Roberto. “Large exchange rate variations have a strong impact on the entire cost structure. To minimize the impact, we work with a very accurate strategic planning vision, evaluating scenarios and alternatives, always adjusting our plans to local demand. Thus, we were able to reduce the impact on the issue of input planning.”

Country manager
Last year, the company had significant growth and its expectation is positive for 2022, says Jairo Rozenblit, country manager. “In 2021, Logitech’s solutions and innovations demonstrated a relevance we’ve never seen, especially for Personal Workspace, with solutions focused on home office, study and video conferencing. The world of games also continues to grow exponentially. We expect higher revenue than in 2021.”
This year, it will make several releases, distributed in the categories in which it operates. “The spotlight continues with our wireless peripherals, with technologies that are changing the business environment. We invest in increasingly encrypted technologies, with more security and multiplatforms. Our products have a modern design, ergonomics and a trajectory focused on sustainability. The investment covers all divisions, such as Logitech G, gaming, portable audio, Jaybird, Bluetooth headphones, for sports, and Ultimate Ears, waterproof portable Bluetooth speakers,” says Jairo.
For the country manager, there are many possibilities for strategies to improve and develop the Brazilian economy. “I would start with very strong investments in technology and a macro action to train and generate new tech talent. There are many job openings in the technology area and a huge lack of skilled labor. The world economy has completely changed with the pandemic.”

The company projects growth in 2022, even with the strong base registered in 2021, highlights CEO Eduardo Coli. “Last year, Lorenzetti reached a record revenue of R$ 2.2 billion, which represents an increase of 24% over 2020.”
This year, it focuses its investments on maintaining its leadership in the categories of showers, faucets and electric heaters, in addition to gas water heaters. “The brand is also focused on reinforcing its prominent position in the segments of light bulbs, air purifiers, metals, chinaware and plastic bathroom fixtures. Therefore, it will launch in all product categories”, says the CEO.
The first semester tends to be unstable, despite the emergency aid measures approved in December 2021, which are favorable to stimulate sales in general, including electronics. As people have been staying at home longer, they invest in improvements for their comfort and for the home office routine. The high of the dollar, however, impacts on inputs and raw materials of practically the entire production chain, says Eduardo. “On the other hand, Lorenzetti exports to more than 45 countries, which are interested in our products and solutions.”

Vice-presidente executiva
2022 will be a year of reinvention, says Annette Reeves de Castro, executive vice president. “In uncertain times, it is essential to prepare for constant change. 2021 was a challenging year. The inflated costs due to the scarcity of raw materials and inaccessible freights affected the profitability of the companies, reducing the turnover in the market. We ended the year with a 10% growth in revenue, but with a reduction in physical sales and without reaching the expectations outlined at the beginning of the year.”
In 2022, the company will reinforce the family of exclusive products – MasterChef. This is the case with the Air Oven MasterChef deep fryer, available on its website since last February. But the most anticipated launch is the Mallory Respirar air purifier, which positions the brand in the air care category. “Entering this category paves the way for the launch of patented products that the company has been working on for six years and which involved research and development essential to health”, says Annette.
For the executive, the country needs solutions to open new jobs that generate more stable incomes. “Political and economic instability, linked to inflation and high interest rates, prevents adequate consumption by families and affects the electrical sector. The market should see an election year with celebration, it is the opportunity to elect public representatives who can correct routes and leverage the economy. With optimism and constructive participation, it is possible to minimize the impacts of this polarization of ideologies that we live.”

Brasil, Argentina e Chile CEO
Even with the pandemic, the company had a very good year, with double-digit percentage growth, says CEO Felipe Costa. “In 2021, we also introduced Toshiba Lifestyle to the market, a premium product line, which made us grow even more in market share. We know that the challenge is great, but our goal is to be one of the three main players in the market within five years. We are very confident in achieving this goal.”
In 2022, it also expects to grow in double digits, with major launches and innovative projects. “Our focus for the year is connectivity and IoT. Connected products are an increasingly strong trend. We are attentive to the needs of the market. In addition to an extensive portfolio of air conditioning, we will have news in washer and dryer, dishwashers, refrigerators and a range of small appliances”, says the president.
Since last quarter, times have been challenging for companies that depend on input imports, says the CEO. The rise of the dollar along with the lack of materials makes us alert. The global shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic has reduced the number of raw materials needed for production. “Although many of our products are imported, our two industrial plants located in Amazonas and Rio Grande do Sul have a production capacity of over 2 million units of air conditioners (split) and make Midea Carrier the largest air conditioning manufacturing center in Latin America.”

The year 2021 was marked by challenges that the company overcame, which, at the same time, made large investments, keeping revenue at an accelerated rate, says Giovanni M. Cardoso, co-founder. “We arrived in 2022 with novelties that range from product launches to innovative marketing campaigns and strategies based on a close and lasting relationship with the consumer. This quarter, we will launch a family of processors, a line of electric irons and microwaves, all with national production.”
In the economy, it is necessary to achieve fiscal balance, making it possible to reduce the value of the dollar, fuel, raw materials and food. “It is also necessary to reduce inflation and interest rates. Lower inflation, lower costs and reduced interest rates form a set of indicators that facilitate consumption, especially of durable goods”, says Giovanni.
Considering the value of the dollar and the lack of inputs, Mondial has implemented effective strategies that place it in a prominent position, says the co-founder. “We are constantly investing in our national manufacturing facilities, including expansions, modernizations and acquisitions, which allow us to progressively increase the nationalization of products. Today, approximately 65% of our production is in Brazil. In addition, we maintain excellent relationships with the entire production chain and form partnerships with our raw material suppliers. This makes it possible for us to maintain supply throughout the year.”

Its strategy in 2022 is to continue expanding the business lines and product portfolio for operations to grow profitably and safely, says CEO Alexandre Ostrowiecki. “The company is capitalized. In July 2021 we did our IPO, we are prepared to invest, expand the production capacity of our factories and open new jobs.”
This year, it will invest about R$89 million to expand by 70% its factory in Manaus (AM), specialized in the production of televisions and security cameras, and by 60% the area built in Extrema (MG), for the manufacture of hygienic mats for pets and electroportables. It foresees new partnerships with global brands and plans to maximize e-commerce sales through its own virtual stores and marketplaces. “We will expand our presence in more countries in South and Central America, and in Portuguese-speaking nations such as Portugal and Angola,” says the CEO.
In 2022, Multilaser intends to expand its representation in the smartphone and internet service provider markets, in the network segment. It is also in the plans to expand the portfolio of portable appliances and sales of sound products and automotive accessories. For Alexandre, one of the biggest problems in the country is the very heavy tax burden: “Either the government assumes a position of neutrality, taxing as little as possible, or it starts to charge more from the richest. I am an advocate of the inheritance tax.”

Within the categories of small appliances, the company grew in sales in 2021 and this year it invests even more in its Oster and Cadence brands, says president Alexandre Luz. “We have a competitive launch plan; we expect an improvement in the economic scenario and we seek to maintain our growth trajectory. It is challenging, as we are experiencing a period with a volatile high dollar with global commodity inflation and international maritime freight at its peak. It is a presidential election year, the pandemic is still interfering with business, and consumer purchasing power has fallen.”
In 2022, it will intensify its presence at points of sale and invest in content and relationship tools with online retail, with the aim of keeping its product line well positioned in the market. “We will expand our portfolio strategically; we are in a market driven by constant launches. We will have innovations in the main categories in which we operate, both in the Oster® and Cadence brands”, says Alexandre.
For the president, the country needs actions that stimulate the economy, which include simplification, reduction of bureaucracy and reduction of the tax burden. “For this to be possible, the government should be lighter, work on a reform, reduce spending to enable a tax reduction and make it increase consumption without harming revenue. The dollar instability and the supply chain at this time are a challenge for planning strategic lines and categories for the company.”

Appliance vice-president
At this time of recovery, the company wants to maintain the good double-digit growth it has recorded since 2018, says appliance vice president Sergei Epof. “We are very excited and expect to grow in revenue compared to the previous year. Retailers and consumers can expect good news from Panasonic in 2022. We will have 11 launches in total, distributed in the white goods and personal care categories.”
The company increasingly invests in the white goods category, with technologies focused on energy and water savings. “Therefore, some of our major launches this year will be in the white line. Our products are differentiated, with excellence in energy efficiency, such as the new BT43 refrigerator, which can save up to 45% of energy. Our washing machines have the best washing efficiency in the category”, says Sergei.
Brazil needs major structural reforms, says the president. “While we await them, we, in the industry, are attentive to the movements to continue offering solutions to customers. We believe in Brazil and continue to invest in local production. The dollar and the lack of inputs impact our business. These two factors raised production costs, interfering with the final price of the entire sector. A lineup redefinition to find a balance with the most profitable products, renegotiation with suppliers, and actions to reduce costs in the operation were some of the measures we adopted to mitigate this impact.”

This year will be very positive for Philips Walita, says Alexandre Escorel, Philips Latin America Domestic Appliances leader “We will have great innovations and launches. We follow a path of evolution, and our expectation is to continue this way during the year. We invest in creating differentiated products for our thousands of consumers and, with that, we see that we will grow above the market.”
This year, the company has innovations, mainly in the kitchen appliance category. “We are revolutionizing the market with a pioneering product, the Connected Airfryer, which allows consumers to prepare various recipes remotely, just using their smartphone. We will also have a modern line of coffee machines, with espresso and drip models, as well as blenders, processors and mixers”, says the leader.
In the economy, the income recovery, as an effect of job creation, the control of inflation and the improvement of the exchange rate are factors that can increase consumer confidence and allow investors to see the country with different eyes. In the case of inputs, the company seeks innovations that can reduce as much as possible any impact that may occur on production lines, says Alexandre. “One example is our factory in Varginha (MG), which produces most of Philips Walita’s inputs.”

Positivo Tecnologia did very well in 2021 and is more hopeful in 2022, says President Hélio Bruck Rotenberg. “In the corporate and public institutions segments, there is strong demand for computers, servers and payment terminals. In the consumer market, there is some confort at higher levels. We will continue with the transformation process by advancing the main businesses and accelerating the new areas, the Avenues of Growth. We expect our portfolio diversification strategy to continue to strengthen revenues for a year of excellent results.”
In 2022, we will work with all categories and solutions. We highlight the mobile payment terminals, hardware rental, servers and devices with AI. We are selling a lot of notebooks configured to the hybrid work-study model, as well as 5G technology mobile devices with Infinix brand”, tell Hélio.
All measures to stimulate jobs and income are welcome, of course within what is permittable by public accountants, says the president. We hope for initiatives that improve the health situation, investments in education and the continuation of the reform agenda, such as the tax one. The electronics industrial sector is extremely strategic for the Brazilian economy and serves as a technological base for the development of other activities.”

Red Mobile’s expectation is to continue growing every year, says president Felipe T. Cavalcanti. “But factors outside our decisions can dictate the pace of 2022, such as the difficulty in the supply chain, the increase in production costs and the well-known exchange rate volatility. Without forgetting that 2022 is an election year, and the domestic market is more easily stressed.”
The company has a lot of novelties in 2022. “Starting with the greater dissemination of the brand with the hiring of our poster boy, Sebastian, who marked an era in Brazilian advertising and will now be the face of Red. We will also start the national production of our devices and we will launch the portable category to offer more options to the market”, says Felipe.
For the president, it is of fundamental importance that the government limit the value of international freight, which has risen almost 10 times in 24 months, in the tax calculation basis. “This measure would provide a strong reduction in production and finished products costs, since these new rates directly impact retail prices and strongly contribute to one of the country’s major current problems, which is inflation. The market does not support further increases, the population’s income is very compromised”, says Felipe.

In 2022, it will use creativity and partnership with its channels to stimulate consumption, says the vice president of the consumer electronics division, Gustavo Assunção. “In addition to products that are innovative in technology and increasingly more convenient for the consumer, we will have sustainability as a third pillar. From now until 2025, we will start using recycled materials in all products, we will eliminate plastics from packaging, we will achieve zero standby power consumption for smartphone chargers, and we will stop sending waste to landfills in all our factories.”
There are many new features in TVs, monitors and home appliances in 2022, Gustavo tells us. “An example is The Freestyle device, which revolutionizes the way to consume audiovisual content, already confirmed for this year in Brazil, as well as Bespoke refrigerator models, designed to be part of the home decoration. Samsung presents innovations in Brazil without any technological delay in comparison to other regions. Each new evolution of Galaxy devices introduces features that redefine the entire industry.”
In Brazil for more than 30 years, the company believes in the technological potential of the country. It has two industrial complexes, in Manaus (AM) and Campinas (SP), and R&D centers in these cities, says Gustavo. “We bring to the national market what is most innovative, expanding the offer of products manufactured here and generating jobs and resources in R&D, which demonstrates our commitment to the country and local consumers.”

CEO in Brazil
This will be another year of much caution and scenario analysis, but there are good expectations, says Yue Haiping, CEO in Brazil. “We understand it is very promising year when we visualize a possible improvement in the pandemic scenario, not to mention the World Cup. We are prepared to continue offering the best options in products to all Brazilians through our plants in Manaus (AM) and the efforts of our employees.”
This year, the company will continue with innovations. “They can be seen in our products with QLED and MiniLED technologies, as well as the Roku TV and Google TV platforms, which make the experience more interesting to consumers. Not to mention the products in the various categories we operate in, such as smartphones, including our amazing TCL NXTWEAR AIR virtual reality glasses,” says Yue.
The economy has suffered several setbacks in the last two years. Living with the pandemic scenario was and continues to be challenging, says the CEO. “The positive side was the rapid development of communication platforms and digital businesses, and this comes together with the innovations we bring in products with technologies that make everyday life easier. In the case of the dollar, its exchange rate is a very important variable in our cost structure. The high volatility in the exchange market is a reality of the Brazilian market and one that we cannot control. We are always seeking to gain efficiency in our operations to minimize impacts of this nature.”

The company expects a better year than 2021, with the recovery of the economy and the reduction of the negative effects of the pandemic. He also hopes that the election will be a positive factor, says President Leandro Xavier Costa. “In 2022, Suggar Eletrodomésticos wants to consolidate and grow its participation in exhaust fans and laundry. We are opening a factory and launching a completely new stove platform. Several models will be launched in this category.”
In the president’s opinion, the taxation of home appliances is quite unequal and unfair. “We need to reduce the tax burden. A reduction in the IPI would give new stimulus to the sector. The drop in the interest rates would also be very important to unlock industry investments and increase sales”, says Leandro.
The lack of inputs, which was a critical issue in 2020, was fixed over the past year. “The increase in inputs prices was the great villain, making home appliances increasingly distant from the economically less favored layers of the population. The increase in the dollar and in maritime freight also contributed to the increase in costs, whether through imported raw materials or finished products”, explains the president.

commercial director
2022 will be a year of change in consuming, says Marcello Liviero, commercial director. “The connectivity sector is experiencing an environment of expectation for the application of 5G and ultra-speed wireless data transmission technologies. Fixed broadband in Brazil is already adopting these plans, which demand better performance routers, with a higher ticket. We are prepared with products and technologies that will meet this demand.”
In 2022, the company is investing in the AX line (Wi-Fi 6) and Mesh, with some products of this technology already launched in 2021. The smart home category is also in the priority for this year, as well as the TAPO line, offering items to automate environments and homes. “Our sales expectation for 2022 is higher than last year, but with a lower volume”, says Marcello.
Brazil is not competitive in the industrialization of electronic products due to high tax complexity, including labor. For imports and local commercialization, it is the same scenario, explains Marcello. “Exemption, simplification and clarity in tax rules are very welcome measures for our segment. The dollar also has a direct impact on product costs and pricing. The lack of inputs not only affects the availability of products to meet local demand, but also affects the cost of material and products purchased outside the country.”

2022 will be a year of recovery, albeit discreet, says Marli Martani da Silva, the company’s director. “For Ventisilva, 2021 was already better than 2020, we practically had 2019 revenue. In 2022, there is no serious shortage of raw materials, as happened last year, and market demand is starting to show signs of recovery of growth.”
In 2022, the company focuses on special products for the industry in the ventilation area. “We started the year by launching the Centrifugal Exaust with transmission, a product that serves a market with few manufacturers in Brazil. We also launched fans with a diameter of 100 cm for large environments, oscillating and with remote control, and a 100 cm fan for aviaries”, says Marli.
In the economy, reducing the tax burden would be a good measure to generate more jobs and, consequently, more income and greater consumption of electronics, says the director. “The federal government’s plans with the 2020 FGI working capital and the option for installment of federal taxes helped industries to stay in the pandemic. The lack of inputs directly harms us and generates inflation with a daily rise in raw material prices. The dollar increase has two sides: it makes the items on the stock market increase, but it favors us with the increase in our exports.”

Director of new products
This will be a year of focus, down-to-earth and seriousness in the application of new strategies. It will be an election year, for the Omicron variant and the return of normality in the case of inputs. Still, 2020 and 2021 were good for the company, says director of new products Natacha Tcholakian. “People traveled less and invested in their homes. Renovations and purchases of home products fostered the market. We hope 2022 will be good. We are working to have novelties with quality and competitive price.”
There are many highlights of the company this year. “Among the main ones is Ventisol’s new line of fans, to be launched soon. Agratto expands its line of small appliances with new vacuum cleaners, including the robot, treadmill, kettles, and electric pots. The line of health and beauty products will also have new brushes, dryers and hair curlers”, says Natacha.
The lack of supplies has been a challenge in recent years, but the company has adopted more effective strategies and planning, says the director. “We are investing and expanding our factories to prevent problems such as the rise in the dollar and international freight, and the lack of imported inputs. We increased the number of employees to guarantee our productivity and inventories to customers.”

Vice president of marketing and sales
The household appliance sector is extremely strategic for the Brazilian economy, says Gustavo Ambar, vice president of marketing and sales. “We are confident and attentive to all the needs of our consumers and to the market movements. We don’t know all the adversities we will face, but in addition to the 110 years of history we completed this year, everything we have lived and learned since 2020 has prepared us to face them. Despite the macro and microeconomic difficulties, I expect a 2022 superior to 2021.”
The company always seeks the best solutions for kitchen and laundry and has the consumer at the center of all actions and decisions. “With the consolidation of hybrid work, many people will still spend a lot of time at home. We work closely with the product categories. Our teams listened to the consumers’ expectations and will bring great news in technology, design and quality in Brastemp and Consul brands,” says the vice-president.
For Gustavo, the adoption of an agenda based on four pillars is opportune: structural reforms, improvement of the business environment, reduction in the size of the State, and investment in infrastructure. “The State needs to direct its efforts towards its basic vocations, and this will only happen with administrative reform. The tax reform is essential for a continental country like Brazil. In order to grow, it is essential that we live in a less troubled tax scenario, which can bring and sustain more investments.”

Despite being a very challenging year, the brand expects to achieve greater results in relation to 2021, as it has been increasingly consolidated in Brazil, says President Paulo Xu. “In the last four months of 2021, we opened five stores, with very positive feedback from fans and consumers of the brand, leading the company to continue confident in 2022.”
This year, Xiaomi is working on presenting several unique features and benefits of its smartphones and smart devices. “We can highlight two main pillars. The first: the new handsets in the intermediate, premium intermediate and flagship categories, with cutting-edge technology. The second includes devices from the ecosystem, which has a portfolio with products never seen before in the Brazilian market and which will be presented throughout 2022”, says Paulo.
The dollar exchange rate is a concern, says the president, especially when there are large variations and instability. “The more stable dollar allows us to plan and execute with greater security and assertiveness. In the case of inputs, Xiaomi knew how to handle this challenge very well, developing product models according to what was available on the market, a successful strategy. It is a difficulty faced daily, but we are very careful not to compromise our main goal, which is to develop intelligent solutions to facilitate the routine of users.”

Commercial Director
In terms of revenue, 2021 was a very happy year, says Leonardo Gomes, commercial director. “This year 2022 will be challenging, but we have audacious goals. We bet on the releases and believe that our consumers are bringing fans to the sport.”
In the carbon steel line, Athor has products with rims from 12″ to 26″, with and without gears, and from 24″, 26″ and 29″ in aluminum. “This year, we will update the aluminum line and introduce new models. We will bring novelties for urban mobility, road, and in the MTB category of high performance”, says the director.
The pandemic has impacted the inputs necessary for the production of bicycles, explains Leonardo. The value of the dollar raised the price of ocean freight. “We were very affected and we still feel the reflection of the situation.”

In the stove company’s view, there is always room for growth, says CEO Pablo Douglas Klein. “The economic slowdown is a challenge to be faced with product diversification, channels and new markets.”
With the decline in purchasing power, entry-level items will feature more prominently in sales. “We recently launched an entry-level product with the best cost-benefit ratio in the market. In the lines with glass table, we are pioneers, we have great competitiveness,” says Pablo.
For the CEO, tax incentives and an increase in aid for those who lost income would be good for the economy’s recovery. “In the case of dollar oscillations, they generate instability in the import of inputs and in exports, making long-term negotiations and precise planning difficult.”

General Director
The company has good expectations this year and expects growth of approximately 20% over 2021, says Juliano Silva, general director. “The main growth vectors will be our launches, with product expansion and entering new categories.”
At Eletrolar Show, the company wants to further establish its residential brand Branco Casa e Jardim. “We will launch electrical equipment, such as five models of high-pressure washers, and the garden line, with brush cutters, blowers, hedge trimmers and a lawn mower cart”, says Juliano.
For the executive, Brazil needs the return of family consumption. “It is urgent to control inflation so that purchasing power ceases to be reduced. If it is tamed and the job market is stronger, development will follow.”

2021 was a good year for electric vehicles focused on the last mile and modals for individual transport, says CEO João Guilherme Hannud Filho. “We project to grow exponentially due to the many corporations that want to adapt to ESG.”
In 2022, its main highlights are in the last mile logistics, with three tricycles. “We launched the second generation of the Formigão Baú, more adapted to the national market, and the Joaninha, for passengers, but which can be converted into cargo”, says the CEO.
The electric market needs incentives, says the executive. “The exchange rate has not been cooperating, but we have positive expectations for the coming years, including with regard to the input chain.”

2022 will be a challenging year, says Sidney Del Gaudio, president of Culligan Latam. “The scenario continues with several uncertainties ahead, such as inflation and elections. The outlook is for growth, but at a slower pace than in 2021.”
The company will continue with the strategy of bringing new technologies to the domestic market. “The main launches will be in more advanced filtration systems, capable of removing pesticides and hormones from the water, with a focus on health and well-being”, says Sidney.
The president defends policies that honor national production, reduce the tax burden and improve infrastructure. “It is also necessary to stimulate consumption for the economy to turn around. We have suffered with the variation of the dollar, as some of our inputs are imported. We expect it to be smaller in 2022.”

events, which are very important for the sector, says Marcelo Perin, commercial and marketing director. “We work to make 2022 better than 2021 because we have a well-structured portfolio, important launches and the fact that Brazil is one of the countries that most consume beauty products.”
Investing in technology is a characteristic of the brand. “In 2022, we will bring technological innovations to the iQ Perfetto line and innovations in hair straighteners, men’s trimmers and dryers”, announces Marcelo.
“In the economic area, we count on Eletros, which is in contact with the responsible bodies to propose actions and changes that bring benefits to the sector. The dollar, in turn, affects practically all businesses in Brazil”, says the director.

The expectation is for a wonderful year for the company, says CEO Marcello Duran Cominato. “We are manufacturers and depend very little on imported inputs. We project 20% growth in our revenue over 2021.”
This year, it will make strategic launches to complement its line, such as clothes centrifuge and room air conditioners. “Our products are compact, focus on energy saving, low noise, and mobility,” says the CEO.
It also intends to participate in fairs to show the differentials of its products to small and medium retailers. “In the economy, I believe that a tax reform that taxes consumption and not the industry will bring benefits to the entire chain,” says Marcello.

Commercial Director
The company is optimistic in 2022, says commercial director Francisco Paulo de Andrade. “Despite the political instability in an election year, some segments, such as the gamer industry, have grown a lot. We expect sales to exceed 2021, especially for the Dazz brand.”
Since 2020, Dazz has expanded its portfolio. “This year, we announced exclusive licensing with the Disney Group to launch the Marvel Gameverse Chairs. With the Maxprint brand, we have the Princesses and Disney Classic adhesive blocks. We also entered the hardware segment”, says Francisco.
For the director, it is necessary to improve the job market and people’s income for the return of commercial activity to the pre-pandemic level. “Unemployment and rising inflation brutally affect consumption and need to be fought.”

By 2022, a recovery is expected, says CEO Rodrigo A. A. Kiriki. “Sales will resume, but at a lower level. “The strongest will be those that best adapt to lower numbers and more timid industrial activity.”
This year, the company launches the 14 kg and 16 kg washers. “They are the most compact on the market,” says the CEO. Highlight also to the THORQ3 electric motors, with applications in segments such as ventilation, washing machines and home automation.
Besides the tax issue, Rodrigo considers another point. “There is a need for incentives for domestic manufacturing, in order to enable the sustainability of the business of the entire production chain in the country. We visualize a scenario of stability with occasional opportunities.”

The company grows betting in their major line-up, with more integrated technology and releases, says CEO Luiz Kencis. “We have invested a lot in technology and our engineering team who works at the new factory in Manaus (AM). We believe in the in a bigger position in the audio market share”
Its recent launch was the XC-510, a smaller box of the 500 line. “We are going to launch a headset and soon, a line of premium speakers”, says the CEO
About the economy, Luiz asks for a more stable currency and interest rates in line with the country’s reality and investment needs. “We need a predictable public legislation, so we don’t plan the development of our business and we don’t get chosen by fiscal and financial surprises.”

The company expects a better year, says CEO Cristiano Mesquita da Silva. “With greater productivity and sales, and a considerable decrease in covid, the expectation is that political issues will not commercially hinder the year. We project further growth in 2022.”
Its highlights continue to be electric ovens, mixers and dough mixers. “We project for this year two launches also for the commercial gastronomy area”, says the CEO.
Tax issues and the reduction of inflation and taxes are priorities to stimulate consumption, says Cristiano. “In addition, the lack of raw materials and labor impacted our production at the beginning of 2022.”

In 2022, it expects to grow double digits compared to 2021, says vice president Fábio Araújo. “Our forecast is for continued growth in small appliances, with entry into new categories and a lot of innovation in which we are already leaders. We are increasing investments in digital marketing and e-commerce.”
It will bet on the kitchen, wellness and do-it-yourself (DUY) categories. In January, it launched the digital AirFryer, with 7 liters and two countertop ovens. “We will bring to the country the Black+Decker Reviva line, the world launch of electric tools, with 100% plastic components made with recycled materials”, informs Fábio.
In the economy, the challenge is to find other ways to control inflation without relying exclusively on interest rate increases, says the executive. “It is a fundamental tool, but it cannot be the only one.”

Brazil sales manager
This will be a year of recovery and growth for the company, says Antonio Carlos Vasconcelos, Brazil sales manager. “We are establishing new retail partnerships for the launch of our evaporative coolers in the Brazilian market.”
The focus is to bring to the country compact air conditioners, with design and high performance in cooling. These are the Diet 8i, Diet 12i and Silver E models, for small environments. “We will also make the Winter 80XL available for larger environments”, says Antonio Carlos.
For the growth of the sector, the Executive says that it is necessary to reduce the bureaucracy and the state and federal taxes. “I understand that a tax reform is fundamental for the further development of the electronics sector.”

The year will be difficult, with an unstable macroeconomic scenario and a slow recovery in consumption, says CEO Paulo Sanford. “However, we are very well positioned in the online market and we plan to grow, especially with the entry into new product categories.”
WAP has an expansion plan for the next two years, says Paulo. “We will launch approximately 300 new SKUs. We will enter a total addressable market (TAM) four times the size of the current one, and we will launch power tools, portable and IoT products, among others”
Measures such as the approval of the tax reform will make the country resume development. “It is also necessary to fight inflation and unemployment, as well as promote the industrious sector and retail”, says the CEO.

Even with the pandemic, we had an increase of more than 500% in our billing, with an aggressive commercial and marketing strategy, says Breno França, executive director. “In 2022 we count on the stability of the market and we have a challenging goal.”
This year, it introduced two new cases, Dropguard Magnetic Case and Dropguard Matte Glass. “At Eletrolar Show, we will launch some more products requested by the market”, says Breno.
In terms of the economy, the director calls for investments in the port area and in foreign trade, in addition to tax incentives for the coming of factories to the country. “We look forward to the normalization of the overload at ports, which caused delays in the delivery of goods, and a look at inflation and the dollar.”
Source: Revista Eletrolar News #147