Positivo Tecnologia is recognized in international customer service awards
Positivo Tecnologia was recognized in the 9th LATAM Award, consolidated as the main reference in Latin America in the area of management and customer experience. The company obtained the bronze trophy in the Best Internal Operation category for its performance with best customer service practices. Promoted by ALOIC – Latin American Alliance of Organizations for Customer Interaction -, the 9th LATAM Award was on March 10th, during the Global Congress CX Forum 2020, an event held by the Mexican Institute of Teleservices in Mexico City. On the occasion, companies and professionals from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Paraguay were honored.
“In 2015, we restructured our Relationship Center and adopted the omnichannel strategy, simultaneous and interconnected use of all communication channels to decrease service time and increase consumer satisfaction and experience. We continued to focus on this modernization in the following years, and one result was a jump in the NPS score from -7 in 2017 to 63 in 2019, ”says Marcos David Santos, director of operations at Positivo Tecnologia. “Undoubtedly, this performance was considered by experts in the sector in the five countries that evaluated the candidates for the Prize that was decisive for our achievement”, he believes.