More freedom for business

After many changes, the “Medida Provisória “(Provisional Measure) No. 881/2019 – Economic Freedom MP was voted by the Federal Senate at the end of August, proceeding to presidential sanction.
The Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services, and Tourism of the State of São Paulo – FecomercioSP sees the changes brought by the MP as positive, as they reduce bureaucracy, reducing the barriers to legislation, especially in the labor field. The proposals, many in line with the entity’s claims, improve the business environment.
The main changes include: the issuance of the work record booklet is electronic; extension of the 48 hours to five business days’ period for the employer to make annotations in the work record; exemption from operating permits and licenses for low risk ventures; and mandatory time clock registration restricted to companies with more than 20 employees.
FecomercioSP has acted since the draft of the MP text, being dedicated to the study of the implications of the proposed amendments, evaluating and supporting those designed to unlock entrepreneurship activities.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 132