Industry 4.0 and improving the business environment are Suframa’s priorities

Suframa is supporting the Brazilian Industrial Development Agency’s (ABDI) effort to disseminate technologies from Industry 4.0 in the Northern Region. At the end of March, ABDI issued a public notice regarding the Jornada Amazônia 4.0 project, with an initial investment of R$ 3 million, aiming at reducing costs and increasing efficiency, productivity and quality of 20 medium-sized companies in the electronics sector, metal-mechanic and thermoplastic from the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM).
Certainly, the experiences obtained with this initiative may be replicated in the future to several other local companies, which will contribute to the PIM being able to modernize and improve its standard of competitiveness.
The strengthening of the PIM – without impacting the incentive to other segments and economic vectors in the region – has been one of Suframa’s work priorities. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the recent approval of CAS Resolution 205/2021, which simplifies and brings greater transparency to the process of analysis, approval, and monitoring of industrial projects with the municipality.
The strengthening of the PIM has been one of Suframa’s work priorities.
We trust that all these measures, both related to the dissemination of technologies in Industry 4.0 and those aimed at facilitating the business environment, will undoubtedly be important for Suframa to continue playing its role as an inducer of socio-economic development and of reducing inequalities. in the region.
Eletrolar News Magazine 142