High season for the beer fridge market
by Leda Cavalcanti
With the pandemic, the beer fridge was another product that consumers took into their homes. “In the first half of 2021, the market was 90% larger than in the same period of 2020, and the trend for the coming months is for increased sales, following the seasonal movement”, says Renata Dirickson, local category manager at Electrolux.
It’s a booming market, says Rafael Stricker, director of Frigelar’s appliance division. “Holistically, there was a significant increase in 2021, with an emphasis on residential models. I believe that due to the pandemic, consumers ended up changing their habits towards greater consumption at home. The commercial line is also on the rise with the reopening of bars and restaurants.”
Consumers are increasingly looking for ways to enjoy everyday leisure. “This has already presented itself as a growing trend in the market. In the last year, people looked for alternatives to socialize in their own homes, which led to greater demand for products such as the beer fridges”, says Pedro Cheliga, product development manager at Philco.

In 2020, the beer consumption average per capita in the country was 62.6 liters, compared to 59.9 liters in 2019. “Brazil, one of the world’s biggest beer-consuming markets, has a tropical climate and, to have an at home consumption as a good experience, beer fridges are an almost indispensable accessory. It is an assertive investment”, says Marina A. Heinzen, Suggar’s marketing manager.
The digital channel has been driving sales at the end of the year, largely due to the change in purchasing behavior caused by the pandemic, says Rafael. “With the arrival of summer, our peak season, and online events and promotions like Black Friday, we expect a significant increase in sales compared to last year.”

Due to the heat, as well as the various get-togethers between family and friends, sales go up at this time of year. “Certainly, the period between October and February represents a great peak in the search for beer fridges”, adds Pedro.
Sales volume is, on average, 50% higher than in other months of the year. “The peak starts in September and remains throughout the summer, with November being the most significant month with the impact of Black Friday”, says Renata. “Christmas is the main retail date. All segments of the commerce grow in this period, stimulated, mainly, by the 13th salary”, remembers Marina.
Product features

Local Category Manager At Electrolux
The BEER1 model has a capacity of 100 liters, holds more than 120 350ml beer cans. It is Frost Free with a ‘white touch on glass’ outer panel that controls the temperature from minus 5°C to 10°C. It has a triple glass door that does not fog up and an audible warning on the dashboard, emitted after the beer fridge has been open for 4 minutes. Its Party function, when activated, maintains maximum cooling capacity for 6 hours, even if the door is opened several times. Turbo function cools drinks in 1 hour. It has internal LED lighting, activated whenever the door is opened.

Beer fridge BEER1 – Suggested price as of October 6, 2021: R$ 5.389,00.

Director Of Frigelar’s Appliance Division
Provides residential and commercial brands. Their beer fridges work with forced ventilation to prevent freezing and can reach freezing temperatures of up to minus 6°C. The brand’s residential model, EOS ECE100, has a triple glass door, which does not fog up and helps reduce energy consumption. It also has Turbo and ECO modes.

EOS ECE100 – Suggested price as of October 6, 2021: R$ 2.149,00.

Product Development Manager At Philco.
The PCV127 beer fridge has as its main differential being 3-in-1, it can also be used as a minibar and cellar. It has 96 liters of capacity to store 84 cans, or 52 long necks, or 30 800ml bottles or 4 barrels of 5 liters each. The internal temperature can be adjusted from minus 5°C to 18°C. Its cooling is by compressor, which makes it faster and more powerful. It has a modern design, digital display, LED internal lighting and an anti-condensation glass door.

Philco PCV127

Suggar’s Marketing Manager.
It has beer fridges with 50 and 98-liter capacity that can also be used for other beverages. Products are Frost-Free, with compartment for cans and bottles. They have a temperature control digital display from minus 6°C to 6°C, double glazed door, internal LED lighting, power of 90W (50-liter model) and 120W (98-liter model). They are easy to install, do not vibrate and have low energy consumption. In the 50-liter model, the top shelf fits 19 long necks of 365ml and 8 on the bottom.

50-liter beer fridge – Suggested price as of October 19, 2021: R$ 1.839,00.

98-liter beer fridge – Suggested price as of October 19, 2021: R$ 2.359,00.
Source: Revista Eletrolar News #145