FECOMERCIOSP: For how long?
It’s no novelty that the burden of outdated and excessively complex tax legislation is on Brazil in a slaving way, forcing us to spend time and money on surely unnecessary and burdensome obligations.
Data proves the need for change. FecomercioSP has been following the developments of the proposals and contributing with suggestions. The entity handed over to Brazil’s Department of Federal Revenue, Social Security Secretariat and the National Congress Parliamentary Front for Entrepreneurship, a series with more than ten preliminary projects aimed at simplifying the current tax system in the country.
The Federation also handed over to the rapporteur of PEC No. 45/2019, the federal deputy Aguinaldo Ribeiro (PP/PB), eight amendments prepared based on demands from entrepreneurs.
The proposals are on the table, and the many efforts made to replace this overdue system with efficient solutions that frees the entrepreneurs from the uncertainty about for how long they shall carry this ball and chain.