Father's Day – Wine cellars have strong appeal in the masculine universe

Best option for wine conservation, wine cellars are gaining space as the Brazilian’s interest in wine grows. The increase in sales has been verified by the companies that offer these products, such as Electrolux. “In 2018, we recorded growth of 11% in unit sales and 10% in financial figures,” says products manager Renata Dirickson. “From 2017 to 2018, we have seen growth around 20% in sales and we anticipate an even bigger number for this year,” says Philco general director, Cristiane Clausen.
The market is on the rise in the country, and the greatest demand still occurs in winter and on commemorative dates, such as Father’s Day. “In 2018, approximately 70 thousand units of wine cellars were sold, compared to 67 thousand of the previous year, representing growth of 4%. The average price went from BRL 1,090 to BRL 1,022, resulting in a decrease of 6% in value,” says André Kliemann, product marketing manager at Midea. Today, Brazil is the 17th wine consumer in the world and 14th in the world production ranking, but consumption here is still low, 1.9 liters/year per inhabitant.
Previously considered a niche market, the category has left this condition aside and is on a positive trajectory with classes A and B, mainly because of the greater disclosure of wine. Comments and tips from media experts, the expansion of wine clubs and the growing trend of bringing friends together at home are factors that contribute to increasing the wine cellar market. Survey of the research company GfK shows that from January to March this year, unit sales rose 8.5% over the same period last year. In value, the increase was 10.4% and in price, 1.7%.
The increase in demand currently comes from both men and women, but the majority of the audience is still male, says Midea’s product marketing manager. “It is possible to identify this consumer by the age group, which ranges from 35 to 50 years of age, and social class A, which makes a regular purchase and keeps at least eight bottles available at home.”
In recent years, the profile of wine cellar buyers has changed, says Renata, of Electrolux. “Today, the market goes from old collectors to people who are beginning the art of tasting wine, a change that happens due to the increase in wine consumption and the growing offer of different products, which include wine cellars with capacity for eight and even more than 30 bottles.”
Having an acclimatized wine cellar, at home or in the office, also adds charm to the environment and is a guarantee of a much better experience in terms of maintaining the properties and taste of the drink. “People are more adept to wine and buy the product motivated by the taste and the facilities of having a place to store the drink and enjoy it at its ideal temperature at any moment,” says general director of Philco.
Retailing is an important sales channel for wine cellars, says Renata of Electrolux. “The largest volume of sales comes from physical retail, which accounts for 60% versus 40% of on-line sales. For a comparison basis, the refrigerator category has 80% of physical retail sales versus 20% on-line – so for the wine cellar segment, this result is very representative.” For her, a good way for the retailer to expose the product is to insert it into the decor, composing environments such as living room and gourmet balcony.
In physical stores, the exposure of the product, along with the drink, catches the attention of the consumer, adds Cristiane, Philco. “It must have a wine for tasting. It’s a way for the consumer to have experience with the product and show its functionality.” In sales, she believes the internet still dominates in the case of wine cellars. “This is because of the easiness of seeing the measurements of the wine cellar, evaluating the space the customer has and receiving it in their house.”
To stimulate sales, an important factor is having in the portfolio products that meet the diverse needs of the consumer, says Midea’s André. “So those who are beginning to appreciate the consumption of wines can opt for a 8 or 12 bottles model, while the those who are already an ordinary connoisseur has products available for up to 34 bottles.”
Good gift
Wine cellar is a product of strong appeal to the male audience and meets the characteristics of celebration of father’s day, which occurs during the winter, which is another motivation to enjoy wine. It is one of the most suitable gifts, given the variety of models, as can be seen below.

It has six models with differentiated design for 8, 12, 24, 29, 34 and 48 bottles. The 29-bottle black wine cellar (ACD29) has two doors, touch control, wine type LED indicator and double glass door. It is 853 mm high, 485 mm wide and 440 mm deep. The one for 34 bottles (ACS34) is compact and inbuilt. It has control panel and external temperature display, stainless steel finish, touch control and ergonomic and removable shelves, with the same measures of the product for 29 bottles.
Of the portfolio, the largest wine cellar is the one for 49 bottles (WCI49), with a stainless steel finish and a door. The product has control panel and external temperature display, sliding shelves, glass door with anti-thermal UV protection and internal LED lighting. Height, 889 mm x width, 605 mm x depth, 605 mm.

It has a line with 8 and 12 bottles models with electronic refrigeration system, to larger products, such as compressor wine cellars for 24, 29 and 34 bottles. The 8 and 12 bottles models have touch panel, safety lock, stainless steel finish, LED interior lighting and temperature adjustment, ranging from 8 °C to 18 °C. They rely on the Peltier cooling system, a technology that does not release harmful gases to the ozone layer.
The 24, 29 and 34 bottles wine cellars have a compressor cooling system, mirror glass doors and stainless steel details, internal LED lighting, touch panel with temperature control and low noise level. Other attributes common to the models are the panel lock, which does not allow the wine cellar to operate when the doors are open, the double glazing that guarantees thermal insulation, and the removable ergonomic shelves.

Works with different sizes of wine cellars, from 8 up to 24 bottles with dual zone, which store white and red wines with different temperatures. One of its highlights is the PH24DZ cellar, with capacity for 24 bottles, electronic temperature control for separate compartments (upper and lower). Adjusts the temperature between 8 °C to 18 °C in the upper compartment and 12 °C to 18 °C in the lower compartment.
The wine cellar has a double glass door, chrome, sliding and adjustable shelves, LED interior lighting, adjustable leveling feet, low noise level and low power consumption. It is free of CFC, ecologically correct and has locking system and thermoelectric cooling system.
Fonte: Revista Eletrolar News ed. 130