Expectations for year end

Four months after the close of the year, as realistically as possible, we expect 2019 to perform 5 to 10 percent over than last year. It could be a larger number, at least that was our expectation. But we must also recognize that the economy is gradually finding its way to recovery. For the end of the year, we have some good reason to be excited. After all, this is the best part of the sales exercise.
We had as our driver for this start the Eletrolar Show & Latin American Electronics, very well organized and with expressive participation of our associates. We were very proud to walk through the event and verify, in the conversations we had, that we live a moment of renewal of expectations.
In addition to the Eletrolar Show & Latin American Electronics, we have some factors ahead that should make sales positive from now on. The first half of the 13th salary is paid to retirees, the FGTS allowance, the PIS-Pasep withdrawal by those entitled, the movement around Brazil Week, the holding of Black Friday, the 13th salary of all employees and Christmas, our best business date. Not to mention the reduction in interest on real estate financing, announced by Caixa, which represents new housing and new appliances.
All these very positive points can boost consumer purchases. In addition to these tangible factors, there are those that stir expectations, such as the expected approval of the Social Security Reform, the beginning of the Tax Reform discussions, the approval of the Economic Freedom MP. These factors imply greater confidence in the economy and its stability and may determine new investments and job creation.
For all these reasons, I have a very positive outlook on the future. Gradually, the economy is growing back vigorously, and employment levels are resuming. We want to enter 2020 with another scenario, to feel that we have left the crisis behind.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 132