Space presented products connected to sustainable solutions.
The Smart Home, once again, attracted visitors and exhibitors with its purpose for the future. Sponsored by Positivo Casa Inteligente, TCL, Coletek and Vivensis, the space presented more than 20 novelties that make a residence connected and the everyday life easier. Whirlpool, Itatiaia, Benq and XT Racer also participated as exhibitors.
The smart home concept goes beyond the use of connected products. It offers a solution that provides comfort, convenience, efficiency, connection, inclusion, and sustainability, in addition to ensuring greater safety for its residents. These reasons justify the expectation of 20% growth in the IoT-based devices market by the end of this year.

A smart home is more practical, comfortable, safe, and efficient with the use of technology, said Jorge Tobias, director of Positivo Casa Inteligente. “The category is no longer a niche, today it is inside homes to make everyday life easier. The consumer knows the benefits that these products offer and therefore, the category grows. To give an order of magnitude, the database in our application has more than 1 million and 100 thousand users.”
Vision of future

We are living what we thought was for the future, said Márcio Agne, retail marketing at TCL. “The smart home is already part of the life of Brazilians, it allows us to control all devices and facilitate routine. We believe that soon, we will not need a hub, the equipment will be even easier to install, the costs more accessible. By the time we get home, it will be fully connected.”

“The concept of a smart home is an environment with products that make people’s routine easier, considering the quality of time and safety based on items that have technology and practicality. Having time to dedicate to pleasurable activities and socializing is our belief about the house”, said Gabriel Barbieri, marketing director at Whirlpool Corporation.

“Take worries away, this is the future of the smart home. It comes to save resources, be a personal assistant, bring security, be connected and smart. It will help us to do our daily tasks, and above all, it will be renewable, clean, and green. This is what we believe home is”, said Patrícia Vidal, CMO at Vivensis.

It is the future in our present, said Fábio Alves, product analyst at Coletek. “It goes beyond integrated products. The electric car charger is part of this house, it is a great enemy of pollution. It brings several benefits to the user, in addition to the practicality of installation in the residence. Every year, the number of chargers installed in the world triples, and this is only going to grow.”
Evolution is the trend

Home automation is becoming more and more accessible, said Lucas Lima, product manager at Benq. “I believe that the smart home is gaining ground and tends to evolve. In the future, residents will have comfort, fun and differentiated technologies in their homes. The space at Eletrolar Show aimed to show how this is possible.”

“Being in the smart home with gamer products proves that the scenario is on the rise. Our expectation is of great growth. We believe that, in 2024, we will have a 25% to 30% increase in our revenues. We needed to be present at the fair, it is the place where the main retail players gather. It is the biggest showcase we have in Brazil”, said Agnaldo Valentim, general manager at XT Racer.

The Eletrolar Show is a reference, it is the largest fair in the sector in Latin America, added Michel Moura, head of marketing at Itatiaia. “Thinking about this Latam concept, we saw no other space to be present and explore with all the technology and innovation. The Smart Home, at the fair, was a great opportunity to bring news, technology and products that add to everyday life.”

Featured Smart Wi-Fi LED Strip, Smart Wi-Fi Camera, Smart Universal Control, Smart Wi-Fi Light RGB+, Smart Light Wi-Fi Lite, Smart Mesh Router, Smart Robot Wi-Fi Vacuum Cleaner, Smart Switch, Smart Camera Bot WiFi.

For Smart Home, it took the 98” QLED 98C735, the largest television manufactured in Brazil. It also presented the 75” Mini LED C845 TV.

As a distributor of the Starcharge brand, it showed the Aurora 7 electric car charger, with a curved surface and a ring-shaped LED indicator, with a 7-kW charge.

Exclusive national distributor of Weg presented the brand’s 550 W solar and single-sided panels. It also exhibited the digital satellite dish Banda Ku Vivensis TV Sat, with all available channels and without the need for a subscription or internet.

The brand presented the Full HDRi monitor for games (EX2710S). The product brings an imax experience, both image and sound (this is built-in).

The Exclusive kitchen was the highlight of the brand. Produced 100% in steel, it is available in graphite and white. As it is a modular kitchen, it is easy to adapt to different spaces.

It took into space the Brastemp Frost Free Inverse 3 refrigerator, with 419-liters (model BRY59), the Brastemp Retro 76-liter minibar (model BRA08) and the Brastemp built-in electric oven (model BOF840). The Consul brand showed the CZD12 model brewer.

It exhibited the XT Racer Experience gaming desk, the XT Racer Armor X1 gaming and office chair, the Tank XTK 120 keyboard, the Ruch XTM210 gaming mouse and the Supreme XTH320 gaming headset. Ergonomic, they are part of the new connection concept.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 156