Eletrolar Show 2019: Mondial Eletrodomésticos bet on new lines of cooktops and fans
Mondial Eletrodomésticos, a home appliance manufacturer based in Barueri, state of São Paulo/Brazil, presented during the Eletrolar Show & Latin American Electronics its main consumer launches.
According to Giovanni Marins Cardoso, the company’s owner, 79 launches were prepared for the event, including personal care products, tools, kitchen accessories and ventilation.
One of the main highlights of the company was the presentation of a fan with an innovative design and the highest flow rate in the market. According to Cardoso, the eight-blade model of the VTX line offers a flow rate 20% higher than the six-blade model.
The company also bets on the line of cooktops, which promise high performance with modern design, automatic ignition and high power burners.
For Mondial Eletróveis, the Eletrolar Show & Latin American Electronics is one of the milestones of the year, as it opens the second semester and prepares consumers for trends. On the subject, Cardoso says that the company is optimistic about the opportunities of the period not only in Brazil, but also in exports. The company currently has operations in 21 countries and is advancing in Europe.