Brazil has 342 million portable devices
Currently, Brazil has 342 million portable devices, including smartphones, notebooks and tablets, showed the 31st Annual Survey of the Use of IT in Companies 2020 presented this Thursday (06/4) by its director, Fernando Meirelles, full professor of IT and founder of the FGVcia.
The study, which for more than 30 years analyzes the use of IT in companies, found that there was an evolution. Today, large and medium-sized companies allocate 8% of their revenue to investment in technology. “The digital transformation will be accelerated in 2020, companies will invest more than in 2019”, says Fernando.
Among the segments, services and banking are the ones that invest the most, with 11.3% and 11%, followed by industry, with 4.8%, and commerce, with 3.8%. The smartphone is the most used in banking and social media transactions. In the current scenario, four smartphones are purchased for each television sold.
In these three decades of research, computer sales grew 13% until 2013, after which they fell and today what is observed is a stable market, which reaches one computer per inhabitant. Currently, Brazil has nine computers for every 10 inhabitants. The average is two digital devices per inhabitant. In telephony, it is 1.1 device per inhabitant.
The home office scheme, as well as the distance study should leave permanent marks and will move the market, highlights Fernando. “Forecasting sales in the current scenario is complicated, but I believe that they will be higher. This, however, is belief and not statistics”.
Eletrolar News Editorial – By Leda Cavalcanti