Black Friday 2020 will be better, said the CEO of Google Brazil
The president of Google Brazil, Fábio Coelho, said last 09/14, while participating in an online retail event, that he expects a better Black Friday than in previous years despite the Covid-19 pandemic.
“It will have a huge peak. It has a much more prepared environment and more informed users. Today, there are more categories than we ever dreamed of (on e-commerce). This combination makes us believe that Black Friday will be even better than previous years’ editions. With the pandemic, the demand for some categories dropped from 80% to 90% ”, he said, referring to the movement detected at the beginning of the crisis in relation to outside activities such as trips to bars, restaurants and tourism.
The president of the search giant also commented about the increase in online shopping during the pandemic. “Even with the reopening of stores, more than a third of people continue to use the digital environment as their main channel,” he said, turning this sales channel a fundamental alternative, even for small retailers who are unable to reach it.
A reflection of this, according to the CEO, is that worldwide there is a less pleasant shopping experience in physical stores. According to the survey mentioned by the executive, 70% of people spend less time in stores and 62% said they were afraid to ‘touch the products’. Half of them find it more stressful to buy in physical stores and 42% admit nervousness when attending in-person points of sale. This leads to the situation in which 56% of people say they like to research on digital channels, in their purchasing processes.
Fabio Coelho pointed out that Google studies indicate three items as most valued by Brazilian consumers in their searches. First are promotions. “We have a Brazilian with less money. This is a reality,” he explained.
Another trend is the evolution of searching for free shipping, especially among buyers of lower average tickets. “It is also important to take into account not only free shipping, but the speed of delivery.”
In addition, the CEO highlighted that, in just a few months, the Brazilian made a digital transformation that, in other countries would take years. “Our message of recognition is the effort of the Brazilian retailer and his adaptability.”
Source: Mercado&Consumo