“Green Hushing” and why telling the truth is fundamental.

You may have heard the term greenwashing, which refers to the false or exaggerated promotion of sustainable actions. But I don’t just want to talk about that. The subject is my concern about a behavior caused by the damage caused by dubious communications: “green hushing” or “green silence”.
The term defines the lack of communication about sustainability actions, which happens precisely because companies are afraid of being accused by their customers. It’s “I’d rather not talk” than “talk wrong” or “too much”. It’s possible to understand this concern, but I consider it a complex and worse, a risky choice.
Silence is just as dangerous as false communication, because avoiding an issue doesn’t make it go away. The market will not stop asking the corporate sector about the results of its actions.
Real initiatives in this direction, even if they are still evolving (in other words, in an imperfect state), shouldn’t be unwelcome when treated with humility and a commitment to improvement. Nobody is ready, we are all learning. So, there’s no reason to hide.
As this is a recent issue, sharing experiences is very important. But I must confess I hope that soon everyone will be able to shout out loud about their steps towards positive impact, especially in the case of solid waste and e-waste. After all, it would be a world of inspiration and good examples!
Source: Eletrolar News Ed. 160