For an action to reach the largest number of people and, from there, promote reflection and real attitude change, it is necessary, in addition to planning and a well-designed proposal, that the communication reaches people and makes them aware
In the relationship of brands with their consumers, it is important and essential to have clear and transparent communication that represents their real values. The reasons why a company exists have become as relevant, or even more relevant, than what it manufactures.
A recent survey produced by LinkedIn among members of generation Z – those born between 1997 and 2012 – pointed out that only 21% of them feel represented in advertising. For 36%, companies need to make them feel more valued as consumers. In other words, the vast majority of these young people do not see themselves as being contemplated by the brands’ communication
Since 2004, I have been working in the sustainability area – in the last few years, more specifically in reverse logistics for electro-electronics and batteries. We promote many actions to stimulate the population’s awareness about the importance of the theme for the environment and for the economy.
The years in the field have made me certain that communication is one of the greatest weapons we have to raise our recycling rates. Let’s go further: by joining sustainable innovations and inclusive, transparent communication, we will be able to ensure a sustainable world for all. This is a lesson that all brands must learn, and quickly
Source: Revista Eletrolar News #148