The resumption of economic growth involves re-industrialization or neo-industrialization of the country, as the current federal government defines the process of promoting and valuing the productive sector. A nation with a strong industry is a nation with more wealth, quality jobs, protagonist of its destinies and participant in global economic leadership
Brazil is going through a challenging time, but full of opportunities. The industry accounts for 22% of the national GDP and has full conditions to grow and act with even greater relevance in exports, investments in RD&I and in the irradiation of development.
With the announcement of the reactivation of the National Council for Industrial Development (CNDI), which will be under the command of the vice-president and minister of the MDIC, Geraldo Alckmin, we believe that the construction and implementation of actions that strengthen the Brazilian industry can happen at the right time, immediately. This must be the birthplace of thoughts and practical ways of neo-industrialization.
We must take advantage of the fact that the new Fiscal Framework and the Tax Reform are under discussion in the National Congress so that we can balance public accounts, simplify tax processes and correct any distortions, considering the sectoral and regional specificities of a continental Brazil.
In this context, Eletros has maintained a dynamic institutional agenda to further increase the competitiveness of the electronics sector. We are taking decision makers to suggestions and proposals for valuing Brazilian industry, which will result in more jobs, income, foreign exchange, and fair economic and social development.
Source: Eletrolar News #154