We represent 70% of Information and Communication Technology (TIC) Distribution revenues in Brazil

We closed 2022 with more than 60 members associates, a 20% growth over the previous year. In terms of billing, the expectation is that the companies that are part of Abradisti end the year with figures above BRL 28 billion, an increase of more than 10% over 2021. This volume represents approximately 70% of the total billing of Distribution of TIC (Information and Communication Technology sector) in Brazil, demonstrating the importance of our association for the development of the sector.
Still in the first semester, we promoted the 12th Abradisti Annual Meeting, when we presented first-hand the results of the 2022 Census of Dealers. In addition to the Census, we carry out an annual Sectorial Study and Salary Survey, reports that are consolidated as a guideline for the market.
Throughout 2022, we carried out the DesenvolveRH agenda (HRDevelopment agenda), our exclusive improvement program for managers of associated companies, totaling 12 meetings, in which we transmitted knowledge to more than 40 professionals in HR and related areas. In the second half of the year, we created the new Marketing workgroup, a collaborative environment for our ecosystem’s marketing and strategy managers.
We are focused on growth: on sector’s revenues, on the number of associates, on the expansion of our representativeness. These are results that stand out and show how consolidated the entity is.
Source: Eletrolar News #152