Knowing data is the foundation of a sustainable business

Executive President of the Brazilian Association of Information Technology Distribution (ABRADISTI)
Markets adopt innovations at different rates. In the case of ICT distribution, maturity also varies, both by region and among technology segments. More than just knowing the variables, having information about what is really happening at points of sale is a gradual evolution that is becoming increasingly aligned with reality.
We know that getting it right when building a portfolio, controlling stock, and setting goals and projections is vital for financial health and performance. What distributors have in common is the need to advance decision-making and management processes that are increasingly data-driven, based on real data.
Abradisti has played an essential role by providing, not only its members but the entire ICT sector, with local data through its annual studies and research. Currently, the distribution sector in Brazil is taking another important step with the launch of the national edition of the Sales Panel, in partnership with global consultancy CONTEXT.
Having accurate and up-to-date information about local market realities is crucial for the quality of service, as well as for avoiding overstocking, unrealistic target agreements, and other risks to the financial health of the ICT distribution chain. Having the right information in hand is the starting point for distribution to become increasingly efficient and agile in responding to the market.
Source: Eletrolar News Ed. 163