Electric skateboards and scooters were the brand’s bets at the fair.
Vanessa Huang, owner of Antech, had already visited the Eletrolar Show before deciding to participate as an exhibitor in 2023. “We already have customers in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro, so we wanted to present the products to customers in other Brazilian states. We came more to get contacts, but open to meet the demand of the fair and close contracts.”
It exhibited, among the highlights, the X12 scooter and the Hoverboard (electric skateboard). “The electric skateboard is indicated for children’s leisure; they just need balance to walk. Compared to competitors, it is safer and with better quality. The models have different prints. The scooter is for people over 18 years old, you must have a driver’s license to ride it. The product is for walking on the street and is on the rise. As it is faster than the car, people are choosing to buy it to escape the traffic”, said Vanessa.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 156
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