Learn more about circular economy

President of the Brazilian Association for the recycling of electronics and household appliances (Abree)
Circular economy is a concept that associates economic development with the environment. For specialists, it means working on environmental actions, balancing preservation with the economy and, with the advancement of technology, incorporating innovative solutions into the routine of citizens and companies.
The famous 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) are fundamental for the circular economy, as it is necessary to reinsert recycled materials into the chain, allowing for a reduction in the consumption of natural resources. Optimized processes, new technologies and consumer awareness are vital for society’s development.
Reverse logistics is one phase. We have been working to intensify the reverse logistics of electronic equipment and household appliances in the final phase of their useful life, developing the network for receiving products and taking information.
The entire sector is committed to its part, encouraging consumers to take the product to the point of receipt. Working with sustainability generates business opportunities, jobs, and qualified labor.
The country took an important step with Federal Decree 10.240, which formalizes the reverse logistics policy for electronics and household appliances and sets goals for the next five years. Deployment is at an accelerated pace. The time is now to maintain focus and promote collective awareness.
Source: Revista Eletrolar News #145