ABRADISTI: Challenge and overcoming: distribution in 2020

It was like a surprise attack that starts a war. The analogy works for 2020 and the biggest health crisis of the century, when the pandemic caught us off guard and changed everyone’s plans – including the IT distribution sector.
Before that, we were ready and optimistic. It was a favorable environment, with positive planning. In a few days, a great question remained in the air: what to expect? For 60 days, the economic activity retreated completely.
But there is a positive effect of the crisis: the world has bet on technology, which has made much of the IT sector grow. The companies once more believe they need to take projects out of the paper, because the transformation is urgent. Technology is no longer an obligation and has become, once and for all, business.
In the sector, the association and the importance of cooperation were highlighted. For Abradisti, this meant a strengthened structure of working groups. We launched new services, such as consulting for LGPD. The Electronics Reverse Logistics Sector Agreement has gained new ways.
“There is a positive effect in the crisis: the world is betting on technology, or that it will be part of the growth of IT”.
From a legal point of view, we have established our role in defending the interests of IT distribution. Examples are the victory in the action that questions the fiscal classification of video boards and the obtaining of a writ of mandamus preventing the charge of ICMS tax on software in the state of Sao Paulo.
This shows that, as difficult as 2020 has been, the distribution sector is capable, united, of overcoming challenges. And 2021 promises to be even better.
Source: Eletrolar News Magazine 139
Image: Myriams-Fotos por Pixabay