A new year of positive change for the economy
By José Jorge do Nascimento, president of Eletros
The electronics sector’s expectations for the fourth quarter of 2019 are for growth in production and consumer sales. Consumer demand for some products tends to maintain a consistent advance, and events such as Black Friday and Christmas cause retail to prepare properly, replenishing their inventories in both physical and e-commerce stores.
If this optimistic scenario is confirmed, we should start 2020 with extra enthusiasm and breath in order to experience, finally, the resumption of growth in our economy. But this will only be possible if the driving force of consumption, which stimulates the economy by increasing production, jobs, investments and more income for the population.
The economic and business environment, despite the volatility of the dollar, shows signs of improvement, with the approval of the Social Security Reform, the administrative and tax reforms in the maturing phase of discussions in the Legislative, the reduction of the fiscal deficit, the improvement of investor confidence (even if slowly), the control of inflation and the constant reduction of interest rates.
We must also consider that we have a strong repressed demand, motivated by the weak performance of the economy in the last five years, which severely affected the income and well-being of our population. With the prospect of improvement approaching, it is natural that the industry should aim for 2020 to be the year of opportunity to satisfy the consumer’s desire to acquire new products.
More so, at a time when a technological and digital revolution is changing consumer relations, the industry could not act differently by investing in innovation, expanding the functions of audiovisual and small appliances devices and even in so-called white goods, such as refrigerators, washing machines and stoves.
The Brazilian consumer electronics industry is prepared and believes that 2020 will be a year of positive changes for our economy!
Finally, while we wait for the confirmation of this good news, on behalf of the electronics industry I would like to wish you all an excellent festive season and a 2020 with much peace, health and prosperity.