With communication that fosters closer relationships with customers, the company boasts a portfolio of 45 product lines, including kitchens, appliances, and portable appliances.
by Leda Cavalcanti

In a small warehouse in the city of Ubá, located in the Zona da Mata region of Minas Gerais state, with eight employees, Itatiaia began its journey in 1964. Founded by Lincoln Rodrigues Costa, it initially manufactured modular steel kitchen furniture. Its production capacity was just one cabinet per day, which left the factory already assembled.
Today, Itatiaia Eletro e Móveis employs 1,500 employees, operates two industrial plants – one at its headquarters in Ubá, and another in Sooretama (ES) – and maintains a modern showroom in São Paulo. “This year, we project a 30.6% revenue growth compared to 2023, which itself saw a 15.5% increase over 2022,” says the company’s commercial director, Robson Sampaio.
“To meet the growing consumer demand, which sought not only furniture but a complete kitchen with branded products, Itatiaia began offering stoves, cooktops, and small appliances”.
It also operates in e-commerce and marketplaces, considering the characteristics of each platform, Robson explains. “We always strive to have different pricing policies and exclusivities in each of the sales channels so that we can achieve the best results without generating conflicts of interest between our physical customers and our own digital platforms.”
Development and diversification

With the consolidation of steel as a product of high strength and durability, Itatiaia boosted production development. Strong market receptivity allowed it to quickly become the leading national company in steel furniture.
To meet the growing consumer demand, which sought not just furniture but complete kitchens with brand products, Itatiaia entered a new phase. It began offering stoves, cooktops, and small appliances such as fryers, electric pans, grills, and sandwich makers. “The kitchen is much more than a background; it has the power to reinvent routines,” highlights Robson.
In the household appliance segment, where it entered over 10 years ago, Itatiaia is well-established in the domestic market and continues to expand its product lines. A completely new line is showcased at the Eletrolar Show. Its portfolio includes approximately 45 lines, encompassing kitchens, large and small appliances with over 500 model options.
Challenges and sustainability

The company, whose name was inspired by Pico das Agulhas Negras, located in the Itatiaia National Park (MG), believes that its greatest challenge is precisely what drives it, which is staying current in the market, says the director. “Attracting qualified workforce and fostering an entrepreneurial culture are factors that add value to our product, with close attention to both the customer and the end consumer.”

Another important theme for the company is sustainability. “Nature is a common good and the source of resources necessary for our survival as individuals and as a business. Therefore, we strictly adhere to all requirements established by environmental agencies and develop actions aimed at reducing the effects of climate change,” explains Robson.
The company operates under sustainable premises, such as the rational use and reuse of natural resources, pollution control, and selective waste collection. All effluents generated in the production process are treated with modern technology. It also develops a project for reusing liquid effluents and prioritizes integration with partners who supply sustainable raw materials. By-products and waste feed into other industrial activities.
Source: Revista Eletrolar News – Edição #161